
Thats not her

Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation

Oh wow a millennial has discovered the experience of fast forwarding a compact disc cool man

No 3 yr old is “pouring” their own syrup. They’re making a mess while their parents watch with a resigned air.

IHOP just announced they’re shutting down all their restaurants for 4 hours next Tuesday for a mandatory birth defect sensitivity training for all employees.

The game of NBA basketball was lost in the late 90s. This version of NBA basketball isn’t really sport, but basic entertainment for the dude on the street that has no idea what to do with his life. He watches NBA basketball for a few years, drinks craft beer, and eventually dies.

I’ve been calling her Crandall. Why didn’t someone tell me!? I’ve been making an idiot out of myself!

White people gonna white people.

Clearly there are just too many humans. We should instate some sort of population control.

That’s so mean! Can I sit by you?

Well when you only focus on a third of the country that’s what you get unfortunately.


Liberals don’t care about statistics. You must be new to Jezebel. Welcome to Jezebel, where facts don’t matter and feelings are everything because, YAY, grrrrll power and boys are stupid.

Pure, ‘both sides’ bullshit. It is not up to the oppressed to dismantle racism. It never has been, it never will be.

Kind of hard to maintain a position of snark about useless tsotchkes on a website that is now 50% Kinja Deals posts.

As somebody who was real into that scene as a teenager—almost every single band in that scene had at least one guy doing this kinda thing, and everybody knew. The other guys in the bands, bookers, promoters, publicists, fans, journalists—everyone. The bands were mostly in their 20s, the fans were mostly teenagers, and

Aren’t we far past of the point of not naming names? Just name the assholes already. At the very least there should probably be a central clearing house of sexual harassment stories, so they can be released on a once a day regular daily time basis and not get lost in the shuffle. I mean geez, we had to process what,

LOL. And us ‘libs’ continue to give our cash to these tax-dodging employee-exploiting multinational corporations, instead of supporting small businesses.

The Monster Squad managed it.

Sooooo, where’s all the commenters who said that this was a useless gesture? That DIsney would never submit? That the AV Club was doing something futile? All the naysayers and cynics who said that you might as well do nothing since that’s what “solidarity” gestures do? Weird how when disparate groups unionize they’re