"politcally correct" = white people aren't allowed to crap on everyone else's culture, right?
As someone who has been bitten by a pitbull (not nearly as severely as this), I don't give a crap if your lot is sick of me.
Sorry for asking a dumb question - I don't quite understand, why is the college is dealing with (alleged) rapists and not the police...?
Same here! I like it just to spite people. Especially since I'm an art major. I love sending the graphic design students into a froth.
Saw the headline and thought, "stupid", watched the video and thought, "next team fortress"
My bf is a bike messenger & shaves his legs. It's rad. Our legs are like elegant hairless dolphins between the sheets. But yeah, these ads are dumb.
The Asian woman as pedicurist is another gross reference. Must they hit all the stereotypes? It's gross.
Oh yeahhhhhh.
Damn, now I'm going to have to eat at a Chili's.
It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women…
Iggy's tweets are so hilariously tepid to anyone who's lived more than 5 minutes outside the space of a social justice warrior blog. I just spent time googling "Iggy Azalea racist" and "Iggy Azalea homophobe", and seriously, I heard the Hispanic kids in my poor-ass neighborhood said worse shit every day.
I don't think there is a lack of women MCs, I just think labels are looking for their female eminem. A white girl that is truly talented that they can use to officially white wash the genre. And when she blows up you will have liberals writing 20 billion think pieces on her that will be like, "[white girl rapper]…
Ha ha, yes! This comment is so great I think I'm sexually attracted to it.
You shouldn't be able to earn an Oscar for losing weight and playing a homophobic version of yourself, dammit! Chiwetel Eliofor gave me the chills. He was incredible. Even Bruce Dern acted through his silence in Nebraska. Are we just supposed to be glad that McConaughey isn't making shit rom coms anymore? Going to bed…
Gender... roles? Not even just the idea of gender, but gender roles? Sorry, I don't buy it.
I feel like piling study upon study of this nature is meant to distract from the important question why men and women are different, and instead hammer home the message that they are, so it's totally ok to treat them differently.
I propose a different theory.