Greek Amazon, look up her backstory.
Greek Amazon, look up her backstory.
Because they knew you'd do the their SEO dirty work for them.
Pastors do provide marriage counseling, so that's where his 95% statistic comes from. And this is actually a pretty common thing that gets talked about in churches. He obviously slipped up, they usually talk about how both parents are guilty of putting more energy into their children than their spouses. The idea is…
Its so universally hated, that I like it. Papyrus on the other hand...
This commercial... internet's golden age.
The Dove comments are interesting. I know Dove has always had a brand supremacy for soap, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that the newer campaign is so successful. I've never really liked the way that their soap makes my skin feel, or most bar soaps... You know the way your skin becomes... rubbery...? Is that…
I think that's evidence that they thought this through and perfectly weighed its controversy.
Is that a negative stereotype? I'd argue that by pointing it out as such you're actually just doing you're part to make it into one.
They didn't even shoot it on film — why'd it win Best Film Editing?
You are both wrong. Unique is a proper synonym for unusual, so "most unique" is absolutely correct.
dafuk you doing commenting on Jezebel, you clearly need to be reading. #trollreport #troll #obvious
The real robber of Christmas.
I feel pretty lucky and privileged that I've never had to steal anything. I've had a fair share of stuff stolen during the Christmas holidays, and it always feels icky and saddening, but I'm always of the mindset that it went to people far more desperate and needy. Christmas spirit.
Lol, so is Viking. This commenting system blows.
LOL. Strength is a ratio of muscle to body weight.
Uh, uh, hipsters love us some medium and large format cameras.
Hate the system, not Kate Bosworth.
Are you trying to figure out what the chorus sounds like or the verse sections?
Not topical enough, and they already did Djesus Unchained.