Because it’s so gratifying when the writers come into the comments section to mean-girl anyone with anything remotely critical to say! No honestly, it’s because there are occasionally worthwhile discussions to be had with other commenters here about feminism, while you guys are busy trying to out-cool each other.
People who use sjw as an insult are almost certainly bigots and definitely have the mental faculties of a concussed goldfish
True story: I was interviewing and filming my grandmother, and I asked her about her college experience (she went to Smith College). She said, “well, that’s kind of a sad time.” When I asked her to explain, she told me the following story:
This woman should watch Yo Gabba Gabba, I think there’s a whole song about not biting people in one episode.
Several inches. They’re long (longer than a typical human male’s) and skinny.
Holy fucking shit is this hitting close to me today.
I think the way the message is being presented is off, but there is something awesome about a bunch of older ladies who have done their best to pave the way for an easier, freer existence for the women coming behind them getting excited about the possibility of having a women as the president of the United States.
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
She killed my Brother in a knife fight in Saigon, back in ‘73 and on that day I swore revenge. Now, 43 years later, my opportunity is here and bitchy internet comments are my weapon of choice.
This is a weird time to be alive.
“Tom Brady is super fucking dumb. Oh, and football is super fucking boring.”
Crows are seriously the coolest. I befriended a pair that nested in a redwood tree behind my parents’ house. It took patience and consistency to get them to come down and eat in my presence a foot away from me. And if anyone else came in the backyard, they were out of there. They can definitely recognize people.
I wasn’t asking for sympathy but for guidance and advice.
Thank you so much. I mean it. Thank you for taking the time to write this. You’re right in every way.
You need to stop communicating with this man. He's cheating on his wife and you're not moving on with your life.
Thanks. I’ve thought about that, and I don’t know if that makes it better or worse. We still have a relationship and we sometimes have (Clintonian) sex - god forbid we ever have PinV because that’s cheating! - and the conversations, and the dick pix, and the daily emails, and and and. Ugh. It’s a fucking mess.
I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I think “bad timing” is a cop out excuse. If he wanted you guys to happen, he would not have let a three week relationship stop him.