
Let’s not start calling for internal logical consistency.  That’d be silly.

Yeah, most overweight people wouldn’t know that they’re overweight and that’s unhealthy without people, especially strangers, stopping them on the street and telling them they need to lose weight. And of course we all know how incredibly easy it is to lose weight. If you don’t harass people, how will they ever change?

Pst. Women already like the game. They just won’t play with you.

Sadly this is a problem with gaming as a hobby as a whole.

A lot of it also comes down to local communities and Local Game Stores. They need to start policing bad behavior, inappropiate comments and slang terms that make non-white, non-male individuals stay away more often than not.

I run events weekly and I have had to remove a number of players for using the term “F*ggot”

I makes me feel better about my own shitty living situation because if I was rich I would live someplace nice and elegant and not so gaudy because I have class, damnit!

I mean, yeah, they totally do. Vanity seeps into absolutely everything they have and do. There are rich people that live in very modest homes, THEY don’t give a fuck what you think. I’m not convinced that people that own these “Fuck you. Look at me and how rich I am” homes with their pretentious “features” don’t care

Yes, but that’s not really an argument that the regulators should be espousing.

Those cheek highlights are not great advertising for her palette.

You don’t know how right you are. After a hard day of throwing bricks at effeminate schoolboys I was watching VHS tapes of The Man Show in my man cave while drinking whiskey (neat, natch) when they arrived: The Feminazi Political Correctness Enforcement Squad. They dragged me out at the point of neon pink guns (because

this exact fucking website criticized this movie by calling it underwhelming and lackluster you fucking moron

I’m a left winger my entire life

Guys, I can’t believe Brie Larson’s armies are going to force all men to go watch Capt. Marvel this weekend and cut their dicks off in the theater, this sjw regressive leftism has truly gone too far smh my head

I initially thought this was a dumb non-issue, but have since realized that as an upper-middle class dude who is properly banked, owns a home, and has parents who owned a home and were properly banked, I’m not in a position to see how hard it is for people who are under- or non-banked to deal with places that don’t

Honestly, I think the odds are even slimmer that he’ll really buckle down and finish the series after his death

There’s also the fact that the Academy already provides DVD screeners to its voting members. Why not? It’s certainly cheaper than having to rent out enough movie theaters for every movie for every member in however many cities/states/countries they may be in.

“Gwent’s new expansion, Crimson Cruse, ...

I’d say most billion-dollar products are shameless yet extremely well-executed copies

Ehh... they’ve added a ton of their own ideas as was mentioned in this very article. The core building mechanic, which is what really differentiates Fortnite from other BR games, is their own thing. Also, virtually all games are derivative and build on what has come before. Even this whole lastest BR craze isn’t