
I’m just reading through the comments

I don’t want a “kill Marcy Long” option. I want a “kick her ungrateful ass to the curb” option. Seriously, lady, if you hate this glorious golden wasteland utopia I’ve built - overflowing with free food, water, and electricity - guarded both by automatic systems and by several of the toughest SOBS to ever wander the

It’s pretty obvious that, at least until launch, no one at Bethesda pondered what effect it might have on the player to have an unkillable settler at their main base - someone they’d have to pass by and hear constantly - who constantly berated them for how shitty the settlement was and they are, no matter how much you

I don’t know, just about everyone in the game seems to be a member in the ‘Who’s Who’ of hated videogame characters.

I’m arguing that the company publishing this complaint has an infamous history of doing the very thing they are complaining about.

And if it was the GOP, you would argue that the donors’ personal information is fair game because they support Trump and he’s a blah blah blah.

Of course not. The article would instead be about how Wikileaks has once again confirmed its indispensability, and fuck these Republican donors.

the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

This article is a transparent partisan hack piece. Just go ahead and write the headline “Wikileaks is only cool when it attacks Republicans”, and don’t waste your time with an article.

There was some showing they were colluding against Bernie Sanders. And apparently more damaging things will be leaked soon as well.

Yes, I understand that. I’m merely wondering if the outcry would have been the same had the leak concerned the RNC.

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.

AS a liberal, I approve these leaks.

I don’t know how anyone could support this charlatan after she hired DWS.

No chance this article would exist if was an RNC hack.


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

I think the moment that you adopt an editing policy on these sort of leaks, you enter into some very dangerous waters (not that releasing confidential information isn’t already dangerous...).

I’m not sure Gawker should be calling anyone who publishes personal information a “dickhead” as you really don’t have a leg to stand on in that argument.

Good for him.