
No it doesn’t, it affects only assholes like you that think every small thing that doesn’t line up with their thinking is a fucking witch hunt. You and your kind are seemingly proud of your misogyny and openly rude to every single person that doesn’t share your one track dipshit mindset. No one else gives a shit about

Their latest update flies in the face of that though. Jeff (game director) says they were iffy on it before, and this just pushed them to finally just remove it, and replace it with something else. It was his call to make, so he made it.

The way I see it is that it’s all about OPTIONS! There is nothing wrong with having a sexy female character. Or even a few. But when all you have is sexy female characters, it’s sends the message that “sexy” is the default (or only) trait a female character can have.

How is this any different from Blizzard nerfing Paladins for the umpteenth time because people bitched on the forums?

IMO, I think it’s because of Widow Maker’s presence that it is jarring for Tracer. Her personality is very different from Widow Maker, and yet they pose for victory in the same manner? Instead of it being a pose that is empowering for the character, it becomes a meta commentary that pulls you out of the lore. If you

No, this is not terrorism. Terrorism, at it’s core, is the use of violence, or the threatened use of violence, to further political goals. This was just criticism.

“in a sense it IS terrorism”

Did you even read the article? It’s nothing to do with it being sexual, it was commenting that it doesn’t fit Tracer as a character. The poster that started the thread even pointed out that Widowmaker has a similar pose and they’re FINE with that because she’s meant to flaunt her sexuality.

The fact that the Widowmaker

You’re second paragraph perfectly summarizes my frustration with this situation.

I agree. Losing the pose is not a big loss but it’s also so insignificant that it’s hard to understand why someone complained.

I feel like I can’t help but be directly on the fence with this one.

No it’s not. That’s inherently stupid. There is ZERO fear involved in this. Blizzard did not have to do this and sales wouldn’t have been affected whatsoever. They did it because it was an extremely easy and absolutely harmless change and it pleased some of their fanbase who had a problem with the content. I don’t

No, it was removed because they agreed with the criticism that it didn’t fit this particular character.

I’m a man, I have a butt. Sometimes I might pose with my butt. Butts are the great equalizer, why would we try and change that?!

I was going through the animations the other day and did notice a lot more sexy poses for the ladies while the dudes get the badass/funny stuff.

This is just the dumbest take. I’m sorry.

No one is persecuting you. Nothing legitimately bad is happening to you. Stop acting like this is a real issue.

What people don’t seem to get from that post was the main thrust of the argument wasn’t “BUTTS OFFEND ME” but it was a classic case of someone taking possession of a character that didn’t belong to them, then telling the creator what that character -really- is. Which is a thing that fans have done for years and years

The levels of entitlement here are off the charts but hey, at least I got a laugh from you comparing this girl to a terrorist though. Truly insane and hilarious.

Well to me it is a reminder of how much of Blizzards team still sees the female character in their games. Is it great they are responding and providing a pose that actually fits the personality? Yes it is but then why did they have to ask in the first place? Those comparing it to male over the shoulder images once