
Ravens, you moron.

Clear enough, I think. What remains unclear is why anybody of normal intelligence would have to have something like this explained to them.

Because one is a gossip/news site being targeted by a plutocratic billionaire with monarchistic aspirations and an affinity for censorship (except for “journalists” that fervently support his agenda), using his money to curtail the effect of media that doesn’t align with his ideology.

It’s not about a ‘quota’ though. Or ‘tokenism’. Or statistics. Who the fuck cares about statistics when it comes to Star Wars. Statistically speaking how many women are Generals? Fuck, toss Leia out then. Or this ‘merits’ bullshit. I want lgbt characters in Star Wars because it would bring colour and depth to the

The ‘for all we know’, is the trouble. We don’t. And in absence of facts to the contrary we default to the baseline of assumed heterosexuality. Which brings up the point of representation. People like to see their surrogate on television or in movies, the person they identify with. Which is why it was important that

Ah, you again. To repeat this - I’m not gay, and I find “gay actions” perfectly normal. So if you find two men kissing “awkward, bordering gross”, it is YOUR fucking problem, and yours only. It is not a good argument against LGBT representation in media, nor is it something you can generalize to all non-gay people.

There are two romantic relationships portrayed in Star Wars and they both matter a lot, they drive the story directly. Han and Leia, and Anakin and Padme. Beyond that we have no idea of anyone else’s relationship status or orientation.

Why not?

Because they’re not explicitly gay and we live in a culture where the assumption is that you are straight unless explicitly stated. Thats a lazy mans thought process. Don’t be lazy.

This comment is exactly the kind of thing bigots have been saying about gay representation forever.

The original trilogy made time for romance, even as the war was just as much of a thing.

it applies specifically to really big movies and stuff aimed at an all-ages audience.

Then I guess we can get rid of Finn and Rey and Poe. Sheesh, look at all those token minorities right there.

Because it’s pretty obvious that there are a lot of people who care.

Remember, “who cares?” is code for being uncomfortable enough to actively shut down the conversation.

Sure. Besides, the uniforms are fabulous

True, but the point of organizations like GLAAD isn’t just to ensure that LGBT people exist, but that they’re promoted in a positive way and gain more exposure in our society. Unfortunately, because straight is still the “default” in our society, that doesn’t happen unless people come out as gay.

How often do straight people have to come out in regards to their sexuality?

Disney doesn’t consider that canon, so I don’t have to either. :p

What? There were, like, TWO black people in the original trilogy. They both even had speaking parts! The second guy said one line but that still counts!