
If you’re already shopping a new car, 35k is chump change lol .

Once mass adoption occurs there will be. Charging will be down to under 20 mins sooner than later. It’s okay people the ICE god will forgive if you buy one!

The world is a whole lot bigger than just white America. Wages are flat for now in the US, but as long as Drumpfpocolypse is avoided we should be alright. We need America to work again!

Pretty sure you can eek a lot of miles out of a car moving constantly slow. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon. Key is to not stop and to regen brake. I can squeeze easily 10 more miles than rated out of my companys 40k miles volt by driving it smart.

Looks pretty hatched to me! I am quite excited.

Well global poverty is decreasing so now?

Really, so the SMR that oakridge labs is starting to license and prep for construction is fake? Two traditional units are currently under construction in the US.

It’ll have a special air purifier that allows us to smell our own farts, but not other pollutants. Thankssssssss.

Becuase all energy comes from coal fired power? No. The best part about electric cars is if you upgrade electric infrastructure to be more efficient you automatically get more efficient cars. Try doing that with ICE. Small scale Nuclear is coming and it will change the entire planet once the boomers all die and take

ICE vehicles also have varying ranges depending on how they are driven. I love how people try to play that card against e-vehicles.

Govt subsidies are beneficial as the total cost/beneift of the product is being considered and then quantified. That $7500 will be well spent when the air quality in cities starts to improve.

I should also add I’m a millennium (as my GFs boss calls it, not millennial) at the ripe age of 24. College pays if you know what you’re doing.

Ever heard of the EPA method?

Ever heard of hypermiling? You can do this on your own. At 5 mph!

Most people are forgetting even at cheap gas prices these cars are still cheaper to drive when considering fuel costs, maintenance etc. My TOU rates from my utility will make this even more affordable for me.

Good products sell. Nothing weird about that. Now even us middle class folks can be cool. Maybe.

It’ll sell. I’m already budgeting for the down payment and I’m closing on a house Friday lol. By the time I take delivery (earliest is end of 2017) my crappy escape will be half paid off and my GF gets it. I’ll have a shiny new toy and will be Lolzing at gas stations. I also get to charge for free at work all day.