
"My feeling is that if there's any risk that the vaccine is associated with autism, then we should delay the vaccine during this vulnerable developmental window,"

Better video, sure, but it lacks the classy ambiance of some guy repeating "Show us your tits" like the other video.

My Massachusetts born father describes the other New England States in roughly this way:

Other images considered: crab grass and canker sores.

I think it's proof that they're vampires.

Miami has been spared because they're actually attacked by climate events and invasive creatures. Making a disaster movie there would be just piling on.

This dress must have been designed by her 12 yr old niece or nephew.

They seem quite similar to uilleann pipes, the national pipes of Ireland (if my memory isn't failing me). They probably are cousins of a sort.

He's playing elbow or uilleann pipes from the looks of it, rather than bagpipes.

Why are "futuristic" clothes stuck in the 1960's?

The audio recordings are amazing. They interviewed people who had come through Ellis Island for first hand account. So many of the stories people told were very, very similar to stories my grandfather told.

This is Ellis Island. My grandfather immigrated through there. Visiting Ellis Island a few years ago was one of the most moving days of my life. There's architecture like this framing the place where for families like everything changed.

A couple of them look to be in surprisingly good condition after, you know, being eaten by the Earth and all.

City of Brotherly Love...not so much.

'Bee pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.'"

"Sandusky was seen as a role model in the community and someone McQueary had known nearly his entire life"

Or if you pitch a fit for some reason.

I have Amazon Prime and Netflix, too. Anything that falls through the cracks of those two can usually be watched on my OnDemand. I have no need to look at Hulu.

"This woman was in jail for a week because she couldn't scratch up $1000 bond. "

Neat, but I'd need a user's manual that stays in plain sight at all times. Imagine having dinner and drinks with friends, then trying to figure out how to clean up, fold everything away, and get your bed down in the correct position. It'd be tempting to give up and sleep on the floor or sofa.