
Clarkson's Motorworld did a piece on Cuba... Fascinating.

The annoying part about Iceland (I'm a travel agent working for an Iceland/ Scandinavia specialist) is that on a lot of roads anything other than a 4X4 is illegal, because as you say they're usually not paved. That said, Geysir, Blue Lagoon, the Golden Circle are all bad to get at -.-

Sorry - I meant a platform share. Saturn in the US. Similar to how the Isuzu 4x4 was badged as a Vauxhall here in the UK :)

What about the Suzuki Swift as a Metro? They do a hot hatch version as well :)

The Euro clubs are awesome though. Especially alfaowner.

I second this so hard. I put my dual zone on mono so I control the temperature. My car has one of those AC compressers that means it cuts out if I have the clutch at bite and it kicks in. It frustrates me so much when my significant other decides she wants alaska temps. ARGH.

Bear in mind this engine had the ability to go supersonic and powered some of the best warplanes ever... all in 19whatever...

The Alfa Romeo selespeed :( Either make an auto, or a manual. I don't mind either, and paddles are cool, but all the same.

As a Brit that doesn't want Scotland to gain independence that's fucking disgusting. Have some thought for the people that died man...

As a huge Alfa fan it breaks my heart to say this:

Haha, I understand.

Spousal support is a different thing to child support dude

You mean like all those Japanese did? It was slightly tongue in cheek, but quite simply go and fuck yourself!

Another dagger in the heart of Brittannia. :(

Nah, they're good it's just that it's right on the check out screen you need to add it. I know it's only a tenner, but why not just include it? No-one really flies without baggage anyway.

Yeah, but compared to the most brilliant of machines that is a TVR?

Even Norwegian are going that way though.

The Bravo and the Punto are pretty nice cars though :)

I believe it was officially imported, but only ever in tiny numbers.

As opposed to GM who are bankrupt now... asshole