Cheesewiz cheesesteaks suck
Cheesewiz cheesesteaks suck
You are completely wrong in that respect. Just last week they introduced the most pay to win items they could, the ability to burn cash shop items for either valks cry or cron stones. Valks cry allows someone to put +10 on an enchanting to give better odds of getting an upgrade. Cron stones allow someone to enchant…
Have fun, Pearl Abyss has fucked up Black Desert so bad. Just last week they introduced a pay to win item they said they would never put in our game because our version was buy to play. The community isn’t happy with them overall as they do not care about anything the NA/EU community has to offer even though we…
Look at all the racists burning their clothes.
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t know that Alabama passed a law years back not allowing immigrants to work on farms and had only US citizens be allowed to..... I wonder how that went?
Not really, keeping around someone you know is beating their wife should justify being fired.
I cancelled cable television due to sick of seeing ads all the time. Does Twitch not think people might stop using their service too for the same reason?
Go make up some more national titles you didn’t win and post them on the wall.
I cancelled my cable plan because I got sick of all the ads they have. Guess Twitch wants to go the same route as the cable companies.
The ACC isn’t considered a “football conference” by the rest of the conference’s......
I’m more shocked they even took any responsibility at all, that’s not common in this day and age.
Ban the channel forever, ban that employee from using a personal account, cancel his amazon prime if he has it.... Literally, this guy is a scumbag and deserves to be publicly shamed and lose privileges such as those mentioned.
We need less teams, not more. We can get rid of the Marlins at this point.
She deserved to be fired. She acted like a complete and utter asshole to someone in the community while acting on behalf of the company in a public forum. She then made it into something sexist which was not even the case. What’s worse is the original article on here defended her.....
So by Moore’s own logic and phrasing, since he represents all of Alabama, does that make everyone in Alabama a pedophile?
Georgia, one of the fine states that extorts out-of-state drivers with bogus tickets so I’m not shocked at all.
South Park has an entire episode on this. People should maybe watch that.
Yes, but Bluehole does the BARE MINIMUM at everything concerned with the game. Report someone for stream sniping? Nothing happens. Report someone for hacking? Unless Battleye picks it up, nothing happens. Right now they are more focused on selling loot crates and keys than actually fixing their game which does still…
So a story about someone being racist prompts you to comment and end it by being racist? Seriously, go reread that again. You just generalized an entire group of people based off one person.
Proud resident of Staten Island.......... HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA