
This lawsuit alone will stop me from ever buying a Ford.

I wouldn’t even bet for Rutgers to win 6 games less a national title.... god they embarrass my state. Thankfully I’m a WVU alum.

Umm, didn’t his country go through a famine under his watch and resort to cannibalism? Yes, yes it did.

In all honesty, based on how she just spoke, in what world do I live in where a person gets to keep their job? America is bazaroworld right now.

Why does he have no top lip?

So she’s a Republican running as a Democrat....... Dear North Dakota, please grow common sense.

He went under the MINIMUM of the sentencing. Let me restate that, under the MINIMUM for rape. Let me repeat that. He gave a RAPIST a more lenient sentence than almost every single drug offender.

I’m kind of mad that the person with the camera from NJ.com turned off the camera, he wasn’t done. And to keep asking someone “what aren’t we listening to” and still not reading the signs, maybe that’s that point. Even in written word some people still aren’t getting it.

The people of NJ hate seeing NY plates on our roads..... Thank you for the this article proving us right.

The police used to have crash bars in the front and back just for this.... newer cars seem to be missing them.

What monster put raisins and M&M’s in a potato salad? That isn’t a white thing, that’s a disgusting human being thing.

Shouldn’t the stream get banned technically? I know with the current TOS for streamers they can’t do what Bethesda is doing. I would HOPE that Twitch/Amazon would have the same rules for anyone/corporation that is streaming on their platform. I personally know someone who got banned for AFK’ing while streaming a game

Every cop there should be fired. Also, if that many respond it shows there are too many officers on duty. Thanks for robbing the taxpayers.

I don’t agree she’s hot

Sometimes I wonder how people like this have survived this long.....

I hate this orange bastard

I still need to know why an 18 yr is hanging out with a 9 yr old, its weird.

Dear Florida,

I think Kanye stopped taking whatever pills he was taking for whatever mental disorder he has. My aunt had a nervous breakdown and acted like this when she was off her pills.

The median salary is off ALL employees, not just developers.... And I have to say, that guys salary is disgusting. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother working when I see things like that.