Terror Bird

It's an albino.


Keep the troll talking until the sun comes up! It'll turn to stone!

Strippers need math, too!

I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call Last Airbender a "perfectly OK" movie, but I think it got an outsized amount of hate because by that point, Shyamalan's himself was a joke. The extra chorus of disapproval from fans of the TV show undoubtedly didn't help.


Confrederecy all N-word?

Imagen Civil War Modarn Times.

Or the guy from Celtic Storm who punched Russell Crowe (the feckin' a-ctor) in the head one night and then wrote a song about it.

The "Play" arrow is positioned in an interesting spot for some of those videos…

Really, really don't drive like my brother.

Wuh-oh, you found the artifact that summons The Creator Of The Video.

The invasion of the Sea Peoples was history's greatest hoax!

SAT scores track with family income and race far more tightly than with "intelligence," and in any event the SATs are designed to measure "academic readiness for college," not intelligence. So yeah, his methods are just a tiny bit flawed.

Only People Who Can't Afford Expensive SAT and ACT Prep Materials Listen to Beyonce

What about the lambs, Clarice?

Hasn't the War on Drugs taught us that prohibition doesn't work? Kids who are hooked on Breaking Bad action figures will just get their fix through an illegal dealer, now.

Meeeeeeeeedium Head Boy!
a-Meeeeeeeeedium Head Boy!

Aww, Lil' Sebastian!

I have to admit that for the first few months, every time I heard about ISIS running amok in the Middle East, my knee-jerk reaction was, "God DAMN it, Archer!"