
Hope I didn't come off as snarky, I'm very blunt today! Part of my disenchantment with the people working in the criminal justice system has more to do with a feeling left over from childhood. I very much want to believe it is a calling to service for the good of the people. But it's just people, with all the issues

Theoretically. I know from personal experience that you can sob for two straight hours while they convince you and nobody cares.

I went to highschool with a Sikh girl. She would take off her turban when school started and her dad got pissed and had the teachers enforce it (TINY, maybe 60 kids, private school 7-12). She was a super cool, nice girl. I can't spell her name, Gurushabed, but we called her Guru or Guru girl, and she was really

Yes White Guy, you know more about South Korea than the artist definitely. And skin bleaching and head scarves ARE the same thing. Stop talking neck beard.

I've never been afraid of death as a concept. I've been afraid of dying in particular circumstances when it seemed like I might be leaving a little sooner than expected. But I don't get the fear. I'm not worried about an after life, I think when you die, that's it. But I'm still hopeful about living a very long time.


I got my second tattoo there. :)

Sun Chips for everyone!!!!!!!!

You just did exactly what I have a problem with. You don't know me, or my medical history or my tonsils. But I must be wrong! And a tonsillectomy is suuuuuch a rare and unusual surgery that it has never come up before! Amazing!

Yeah this is what I'm talking about. Like specifically. I just can't even.

On one side I might be part of a Turkic ethnic group. Everything else is German/Irish pretty much. Am I still white? I neeeeeeeeeeed to know before I apply to join this country club.

I have the other end of the medical fat shame issue. Accused of anorexia as a teen (it was actually meth lol) and check marked as "healthy" when a flight of stairs leaves me winded. And starving myself to drop 90 pounds of baby weight after my second, which I did so fast I had that super fun extra skin problem. But

Well perhaps this is a discussion that should be had among health care professionals who seem t very much enjoy fat shaming.

Stop trying to make grandma shoes happen!

Almost my prediction, but it think caffeine will beat out coke.

When I was pregnant with my first they found a choroid plexus cyst in her brain during the ultrasound. Those can go away as the baby grows, or not. I was offered an amnio but there was the same chance I would miscarry as there was that the cyst wouldn't disappear so we passed. But we did talk about it seriously.

If there is a video just above the comments it is not showing up in iPad at all. Just a big white space.

I shouldn't laugh, but damn. I kinda get the Jehovah's Witness thing about blood transfusions, but no medical care at all freaks me out.