
Excellent article. It reminds me of the uproar last year when Jennifer Lawrence DARED to tastefully go nude for a Vanity Fair cover story following the release of her stolen photos on Reddit. Soooo many male commenters couldn’t understand how she could speak out against the invasive nature of the hacked pictures and

I think it important to note that you left out the Freemasons /Harry’s Balls/ Arc Du Triophme Illuminati angle. I’m beginning to wonder if you did this on purpose...

You left out one thing. What did she name her first born? George Alexander Louis.

this is the most important thing i have ever read kelly

You missed a critical point; in the first two photos, Kate is wearing denim jeans. The etymology of the word denim is “serge de Nimes”, a fabric originally woven in Nimes, France. Coincidence? I think not.

No she gets it back automatically because the Louisiana Purchase was sold by Napoleon, a USURPER

She’s also going to take over Texas, apparently.

As someone who has been cheated on and been in a LDR, that would ABSOLUTELY be my reaction. But it sounds like she realizes she and her ex were fundamentally incompatible, based on their backgrounds and where they live. Maybe she already knew for a long time that it would never work, but neither of them had the guts

Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to this situation to want to chop his dick off? Or at least Carrie Underwood style personal property destruction? I’m not saying you would/should act on those feelings but as someone that has been blindsided by a long distance cheater I can speak from experience that my

I go to reddit/relationships on occasion because I’m a terrible person, and there are a surprising number of stories like this. As in, “I’ve had 20 people tell me he’s having an affair, I saw pictures of him proposing to another woman, and I physically walked in on him having sex - is he cheating on me?”

I’d put a caveat on that—talk therapy with no defined goal and end date is a scam. A good therapist will help you define goals, develop a timeline for meeting them, and frankly will push you out of the nest if things linger to the point where it’s clear they’re not helping.

It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.

Please don't tell her how to feel about her own experience. It is not your place to instruct her on what her emotions should be about something that happened to her.

The attraction is normal. Acting on it isn't, and especially if you are in a parent/child relationship. It was his responsibility to protect her from it, and he failed her. Further I would argue that he groomed her and preyed upon her.

This is some brave shit.

Finally, a Disney Princess post I give a damn about.

Will you be my dad?