Normcore Rockwell

Sorry, I’m not that into stick soccer. I heard the fans are nice and welcoming though!

The important question no one is asking though: how long before the “Close friends only” setting on Instagram Stories becomes a Law & Order: SVU plot point?

I coach a U13 girls team and I send the players a bunch of clips to watch every week. My instruction always include “turn down the volume first”.

Current favorite regardless of team:

The weekly print magazine is dead, with the notable exceptions of the New Yorker and the Economist (and only because their subscription base can pay the higher rates), because it’s the worst of both worlds. The stories are already stale by the time the print version hits mailboxes while there aren’t enough feature

Also, bears mentioning that Scout and Rivals are really only viable because of recruiting news, which is generally insider info that’s generally not in public domain. You’re not going to get the same kind of revenue from game recaps and op-eds, unless your SEO game is super duper strong.


How else are you supposed to ride a bicycle in Australia?

Well, it’s coming sooner or later! Later, probably.

The Sarri season was weird. The performance was uninspiring other than the occasional Hazard magic and the team seemed joyless for the most part, but then somehow they ended up finishing 3rd and winning a European trophy.

How are Arsenal fans feeling these days? I know Emery is super unpopular and the defense is a joke but they’re somehow in 4th place*! Which would’ve been considered a good place to be before the season started? Things are... okay, right?

Maybe Man Utd can violate some youth transfer rules and get transfer-banned like Chelsea so they can save themselves from their bad decisions.

Also, not sure why age of consent is relevant here. Something can be legal and still be super creepy and problematic.

Oh awesome the Age of Consent Explainer has logged on.

“Women who vaguely look like Alex Morgan, but MAGA”

I guess Dallas has both banking and energy industries? Basically any Southern or Plains city with either industry is on the list, right?

Dude actually sounds like a typical Jalopnik commenter actually

Oh god you just came up with the most apt analogy for my team. And Charlotte is like the McMansion capital of the US, what with the spike in its wealth coinciding with the rise of McMansions.

Thanks for not sticking to sports.

Second that. Such a great, heartbreaking read.