
Whether you, personally, agree with hunting it’s indisputable that that branch of “outdoors recreation” beat the yuppier version to adulthood by decades. Field and Stream magazine played an integral role in the creation of Yosemite NP, for example. There’s room in the movement for both, as long as shooters are

Typical Billy, writing about the third goal in a meaningless blowout, instead of Arsenal’s utter capitulation to City in a cup final. Okay!

The entire point of the duvet cover is that you don’t need a top sheet, which I only use during the warm months with a thin blanket.

This may not be big potatoes, but these kind of small payments are what maintains the system that gives millions to coaches and ADs. Take away the payments, disrupt the system, and you’re one step closer to actually paying the players.

He’s an annoying cock, to be sure, but perhaps the bigger problem is having ex-athletes call *any* sporting events. When you’ve been that person at the edge of death/victory it’s understandable that you wouldn’t be impressed by younger athletes.

Congrats on the dumbest Olympic take of the entire month!

Succ my dick, bitch.

Did you see that defense! (I mean really, did you see any?)

Billy sucks off Tottenham more than Dele Alli’s missus.

Their options were pretty limited with Dybala and Cuadrado injured, to be fair.

Lol. They’re four points behind 2nd, with better form over the last six matches than United. Some deficit.

This article is a pretty good example of the peculiarly American disease of privileging narrative over everything else. They were all world class boarders! Underdog/Favorite is such a useless binary in an event like the Olympics.

Shaun White’s brain is 98% growth hormone and cocaine at this point, so I’m not sure he’s a good example.

Deadspin really milked this story for all it was worth.

Honestly, who cares about the Wizards?


Alright, you Irish wanker, part Norwegian-knower checking in. Lutefisk was a staple of the Scandinavian-American diet because they were poor as fuck and Lutefisk was cheaply made and keeps forever.

That or an article about Dele Alli’s hairy cock. ;)

You poor thing, only won the league just last year. How could you possibly cope?

Can you PLEASE cut about half the words from each of your bloody columns!