Back in the Behind Closed Oven days, a Kitchenette reader said Batali did exactly these things to her, already knew this dude was a creep
Back in the Behind Closed Oven days, a Kitchenette reader said Batali did exactly these things to her, already knew this dude was a creep
It’s almost as if forgiveness is both optional and at the discretion of the victims. The women Batali assaulted can form their own opinions of him. I’m more for atonement, myself. I don’t really care if he comes up with a pretty apology or tells people to go fuck himself right now. If he spends the next few years not…
PLEASE let’s keep talking about the restaurant industry. For many of us, that’s where we got our first jobs as teens. And where we first experienced sexual harassment, although if you’re 16 years old you just try to tell yourself that it’s good that the cooks tease you because that must mean they like you and it’s…
It reminds me of friendship bracelets when I was little. In 5th & 6th grade everyone was making friendship bracelets and I could make them super fast. This other girl, Jennifer, also made them super fast and sold them. I felt bad for the kids who couldn’t buy them and made them for free for kids who claimed they…
I saw a commercial on a kid’s network about how to make the Elmer’s Glue Slime. Glue, baking soda, food coloring, and contact solution. My toddler loooooved it. Absolutely loved it. She loved it so much, she tried to become the slime. This happened yesterday, coincidentally enough. I thought I was gonna have to shave…
Middle school teacher here. Between the slime and the fidget spinners, I’m about to lose my mind. (Not that these things aren’t better than the alternative, but still!)
My daughter messes with this shit sometimes and it is the bane of my existence. “Oh mom don’t worry it doesn’t get on anything!” she says, and then days later I’m taking a fuzzy comforter to the dry cleaners after this dumbass slime has taken up residence all over it.
Here’s my theory on how far Trimp’s narcissism goes—he’s not furious or unhinged that investigations will show he did anything wrong, but when they show that the Russians helped him to win, it shows that he couldn’t do it himself. The man and his lackies never miss an opportunity to trot out the electoral college win.…
Let’s hope his tantrums end up stalling all the plans the GOP has for Congress. Republican goals hinge upon using budget reconciliation to bypass Democratic filibusters. They only have till June 15, 2017 before their window of opportunity closes.
“Or, maybe, everyone decided that we no longer need a soap operatic depiction of a chaotic, compromised, scheming Washington DC because we’re living it right now.”
I know this is a small point, but the idea of President Sessions horrifies me even more than all the other ideas that horrify me.
I’m okay with Mattis running the show. If something unfortunate were to happen to the prior 5, I wouldn’t shed a tear.
The Handmaid’s Tale already showed us what Pence’s presidency will look like thought :-/
I don’t know if anyone is keeping track of how often twitter investigators are right about these things but Claude Taylor (@truefactsstated) has been saying this for a while. I take those tweets with rather large grains of salt, because I mostly read them so that I can keep my sanity and hope that someone is doing…
I’m sure that, at some point, I’ll tire of hearing about this, but not yet. Not even close. Pass the popcorn!
I’m really enjoying my Fyre Festival experience.
You seem to have more faith in our voters than they deserve. I don’t think the people who vote straight GOP will care as long as they get to vote against “libtards”
We’re going to need a bigger march.