
Yeah, I thought someone might say that. Let me clarify.

I agree. I didn’t think much of it because I figured if it was true, it had something to do with the girls.

Don’t go into the greys. DON’T DO IT!!!

I have never understood kotaku. Are they the ones that are always talking about Pokemon?

You know, it’s like I just want to assume that his family will be assholes; I’m more worried about side-eye, insidious stuff, and just general shock because they’re not prepared for the amazing party that they will witness. I’m trying to put a bug in my MIL’s ear that this is not your tiny baptist wedding with no

I went over to Gawker and the nasty stuff seems to be diluted by regular conversation there, too. Good on them.

Yes. When you add three teenage stepchildren, an ex-wife (his, not mine) with a personality disorder who will be profiled by cops on the lookout for her at the wedding, his family doesn’t drink, mine does and then dances in a conga line to “We are Family” at every wedding, plus various other ethnicities and

Nope; what I said was that the fact that he wasn’t explicitly activist might open him up to criticism from people that he’s doing this as a publicity stunt. If he goes through the coming out, and he sees it as a good thing for people like him, but then goes on and lives his life (apolitically), people might criticize

“Does . . . not . . . compute!” Yeah, my parents are evolving on that stuff and they’ve pretty much followed suit in using the right pronouns and stuff to talk about my friends (honestly I’ve given them so much heartache with all my “alternativeness” that I don’t think they’re surprised at much anymore), but like with

I only read the greys over there when I’m, like, really desperate for info, which I was at the time, because this post hadn’t happened yet. I go there a lot for NFL stuff, but don’t really bother analyzing the comments, because they are usually pretty funny or I just don’t care enough.

Yeah, I think the positive ones have taken over, which is awesome (I’m a sports nut, so I’m on there regularly but never comment). When I was there at first it was like 60% Kardashian digs, 30% “What is transgender?” and 10% regular people. It seems to have evened out a bit.

I love talking about my transgender friends in a completely normal way in front of people who I know find it to be completely not normal. I’m just like “yeah, well, my friend Greg - oh, he used to be Gillian, when we were in college - yeah, he just got a great job on the East Coast.” I figure if they have questions,

My favorite aspect of the interview was how ambiguously everything was presented. It seems to me that nothing is final, nothing is decided in Bruce’s life. I think it’s really courageous that he gave the interview when he doesn’t even know if he’ll have SRS yet, and when he’s kind of working with a lot of different

Yes, but do you think there’s significance to the fact that the other ex-wives offered comments and support for the interview and Kris didn’t give a comment? Or do you think that was more because she’s still navigating this with Kylie and Kendall?

I think the fact that his coming out was posited as ambiguously political in the interview will open him up to more criticism about having done it for the attention/fame. He was kind of like, “I want to be an inspiration to people like me” but he didn’t leave me with the feeling that he necessarily wanted to be an acti

But again, I appreciate that Jezebel is *generally* a place where people know the difference between sex and gender and where educating a commenter transcends “it’s possible to be transgender and have sex with women and not call yourself a lesbian” because the folks here can *generally* figure that stuff out for

I just went back and the highest-comment-post is one from a person with a transgender sibling, not a dig at the Kardashians.

I just wanted to participate in/witness actual discourse. Not jokes about the Kardashians or dudes who clearly hadn’t watched the interview. Discourse reflecting the fact that an icon of masculinity - an Olympian AND a decathlete - is a transperson. And that this individual is navigating a liminal space in transition,

Why. Why do I read them. I know what I’m getting myself into.

Thank you, Jezebel, for providing a forum to talk about this. I’ve been refreshing Jez all night looking for some alternative to Deadspin.