
The guy may be a giant ass-clown, but at least he’s putting some of his obscene wealth towards bringing neat tech into existence that the average man might eventually get to enjoy. Rather than hoarding all his money in some offshore tax haven like some kind of tax-dodging dragon. 

Funny, I usually play in traffic dressed in my Gryffindor cosplay.  My wands protect me from the metal beasts and deranged trannies.

Don’t you mean lady?”

Uh huh. Sure, all of this happened.

Im going to say it again.  I was born in 1965, the year that contraception was finally legalized.  I am the youngest of four children born to parents who never wanted children.  It sucked.  No child should have to grow up like that, but millions did.  If you're wondering why so many old people are screwed up.  We

Most importantly the character generator is inklusive.

Both Lecter and Gumb are compilations of several real world serial killers.

It seems a little ridiculous to complain about the movie’s representation of trans people when Harris modeled the character on real life serial killers who had the same behaviours. Or are we not allowed to acknowledge the fact that several real life characters had sexual fetishes related to dressing up as women

From outside the anglosphere, the obsession with “transgender” (a category I never heard about until 5 years ago - there were transsexuals before that - and who represents 0.x% of the population) is really jarring. I mean they deserve respect like anybody else but also - what about a little bit of proportions ?

Joe Jonas must have done something unspeakably bad to be going this hard in the media over what should be an average celeb divorce.He also has a history of being super shitty towards his ex-girlfriends. The way he ran his mouth about Ashley Greene should send any woman running far away.

Here’s the thing.  When you ARE a good dad, you don’t need external validation of same.  And people who say “you’re not a good dad”, well, you simply know they are wrong ... and why listen to people who are wrong?

The map is actually pretty functional, making it easy to read and understand. Just because you dont want to put in any effort to understand that style over substance does not apply here does not mean its bad. Its comparable to the grid maps in any 90s golf game when putting. Please spare us pointless whiny snowflake

Ahahahaha! You are still a loser, Megan! 

When in Rome....

Just cane him and sell it as a livestream. They’ll make their millions from Swifties who feel some schadenfreude about why he’s being punished but are still glad to see him suffer.

Dear government of Malaysia: If you really wanted $2.7 million from me, you shouldn’t have let me leave the country”. 

So Nintendo. True power of innovation at work, amazing.

“Come on, Stallion, you can dance better than that!”

People who look abnormal in an industry largely based on looking traditionally attractive aren’t “equally represented”? No way!

Good for Cube! Do whatever you want, pimp. Kinda invalidates the “Tucker is a White supremacist” theory. Not to many Nazis kickin it cold live with Cube.