
Don´t be hatin´, you r@cists

Lefties fuming about the movies success, literally promoting conspiracy theories like the “pay it forward”-push... you can´t make that up. Lovely, lovely leftist tears rolling... keep on believing Cleopatra was black :) 

I live in Honduras and movie theaters announced they’d be showing this film, and then suddenly deleted said announcements. In case you don’t know, the movie starts with two kids being kidnapped in out capital.
Refusal to show the movie is probably due to nasty rumors about the national organization that’s supposed to

Dylan is a shrill asshole who happens to be trans. Thats not trans hate...we dont have to like EVERY single trans person....ever meet Caitlyn???

It was just a shitty marketing idea and budlight is dead so that is a positive. It also worked out for her because everyone knows her name now and she can keep rolling with the victim grift.

All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it’ll
Never be enough
Never be enough

So its just like the Lord of the Rings show on Amazon and that Cleopatra flick on netflix. Yawn.

You can replace that with USA and capitalism, and your sentence would still be accurate.

If Lizzo is beautiful and healthy, how come every time I say to a woman, “you look like Lizzo” they get mad af?

Talking to yourself again? go get yourself some help. its not too late.

Jesus Christ you’re stupid. 

Oh the old leftwing fascists excuse of “review bombing” which has been exposed so many times as a lie by now. This movie sucks. Cope.

If you accept a job paying $10-12/hr then complain you are only making that much thats on you. If you think you are ever going to make $20/hr working for a failing retailer then thats also on you. 

I dont understand why people are always surprised by their pay. You are literally told how much you will make before you were hired.

Cannaert told Kotaku he was visiting the store on May 12, the day Tears of the Kingdom launched, to hunt for some collectibles. I got there right before they opened and saw the sign,” he said. “While I was there, five people l stopped by to pick up the pre-order of Zelda.”

Lol, this is Dan Brown-level “fucking up the basics”

Nobody expects the Dragon Age: Inquisition symbol

yeah, how silly to want a writer to be educated on what they’re writing about. /s access journalism....mother fucker ALL journalists need access, that’s why they have these people called SOURCES. jesus, kotaku bootlickin’ 101 from this guy right here.

lol did Kotaku not get an advance copy?

If we look at the map, we’ll see that Egypt is a country in Africa so I’m not really sure why that’s being contested, but I digress.