
Didn’t stop you from writing an article about Stable Diffusion which had zilch to do with games though did it.


That’s not a ‘transgender woman’.  That’s a male transvestite.

Where’s the lie?

Yeah surely. Just like all those people “threatening” to leave the country when Trump won and never left :) 

This is maybe one of the top five worst takes ever posted on Kotaku.

This isn't remotely like any of those two.

But Transpeople doing strip shows in Kindergartens are ok, right?

Wait... Most of those books mentioned are ultra light-weight coffee table stuff, so what do you expect? Did you want to show that women are the superior intellectuals? Nice try.

Do women know how to support one another without tearing down men?


She’s a fine singer, but the singles from the album don’t demand attention. Lots of cool production; not much meat on the bones of the songs. The melodies are sort of muddy, and the hooks are wanting.

I blame white supremacy 

You mean Amber? The one who admits to starting fights?

Breaking News: Guy who hires anorexic girls to prance around naked in a pop music video may not be a beacon of chivalry.

Good lord, Kylie. Get over it.

The person who wrote this piece is an idiot. 

So them yelling at each other, both acting unprofessional and childish is indicative of him being abusive, but not her?  Hot take. 

Woke cancel culture trying to erase history again. If you rename the house, how will anyone ever know Salazar Slytherin ever existed. The real Death Eaters are the Order of the Phoenix.

The remake has possibly the easiest puzzles in the entire franchise lol.