
It’s weird everyone seems to hate twitter now, but they keep using it. I hate when people post images or videos and they’re twitter links.

Exactly. First lashing out at him, humiliating him publicly and now not being able to take the backlash and whining like a baby? Yeah, that sounds like a new , modern woman.

Glaser told the Times. “Victoria, a gay Latina who had the courage to criticize Disney, was silenced.”

My only criticisms are of Emily Lieber and Jezebel for just uncritically vomiting out whatever PR her team puts out and continuing to repeat the ridiculous lie about how she was served. We’re also expected to believe that she lacks financial resources to fight this custody battle, which is equally ridiculous. I have

So you’re just going to accept her statement on the matter as the truth, huh? It’s not like she’s ever been caught lying in public statements.

Vivienne Westwood always tried to claim she was appropriating the swastika to mock neo-Nazis.

The problem with her claims is that she focuses almost exclusively on the famous “Destroy” t-shirt and ignores a lot of the other items SEX/Seditionaries sold that were emblazoned with swastikas ranging from armbands to lurex

Lol the Sex Pistols were decidedly NOT anti-fascist. The Pistols were basically Westwood’s living mannequins played by two musicians, an asshole, and a junkie. It was more or less an accident how popular they got.

The revolution devours its own children. 

The revolution devours its children. Swallow your own medicine. This is soo funny! I love it! 

Cause adults aren't spending enough. They need that kid money. 

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” someone once said.

Hollywood awarded 2 asian actors and a movie that represents asian-american culture with 7 oscars.

So when I played the game, I literally have already watched the show. Good. No need to spend money on HBO then.

Well, all the burning questions have been answers by decade-old game. I have some additional questions:

Oprah Winfrey steered a bunch of gullible middle-class women into the compound of a rapist who claimed to be able to do everything from curing cancer to controlling the weather. Instead of apologizing for that, she scrubbed any mention of John of God from her media empire and memory-holed the entire thing. I wouldn’t

Snowflake alert... oh such a baaaaad old white cis man hurting the feelings of other people. He is the villain, crucify him! 

Awfully convenient that she chooses to express this in the most performative, non-specific way possible, on social media, followed by a carefully curated Massengill-style photo for maximum sympathy clout without actually having to defend her accusations in any way shape or form. Instagram reality in every way

People are living in dreamland if they expect their employer cares about them. Companys only purpose is profit and losing profit because of its employees is considered stupid.

All the incels here shaming those women. Wow.

I’ve been watching F1 since the 80s.