It is very fascist and racist to think that you are a better person if you don´t watch series like Reacher.
It is very fascist and racist to think that you are a better person if you don´t watch series like Reacher.
Your hate for Mercedes reached Ultra level by now
Life of Brian does not even feel the need to shrug at this inferior effort.
Comedy is officially dead now.
Great movie. A clear recommendation.
You should stop watching so much Disney and Marvel. Then your vomit attacks would decrease.
Streep? Isnt she the best friend of a certain Polanski who we all know of what he did?More like Meryl Creep.
That was not a joke.
AHAHAHAHAHA You are constantly shitting on big N and you in all seriousness expect to get an answer, you fucking bullies?
Why are you being homophobic? We need more visibility, especially our trans friends and you come and deny us our that right? Who do you think you are???
it does not rhyme. Learn what rhyme means before posting.
How do you call the 2010s games then?
You know what? Kratos isn´t black. Please make Kratos black in the next game. We will love it!
“In that desire for their shit-duvet, or wherever that analogy got to, a large part of the reason for this game to exist is to enjoy watching liberal outlets become justly outraged at its racism and homophobia. But honestly, it does it so poorly and unsubtly that it’s not even interesting to counter”
Not only WW2 buffs should know that. Its general knowledge, racist.
WE ALL KNOW what the “unforced errors” of Disney were and still are...
Well done Ricky! Seeing those snowflakes´ tears here in the forum makes me smile broadly.
So this site is supporting convicted murderers? Good to know.