
https://fortune.com/2016/09/19/nascar-discrimination-lawsuit/ —>this one is behind a paywall, cant read

there are no crushed wafers in Tiramisu... what you mean is probably Savoiardi

#4... You HAD to include some ANTISEMITISM right? Of course you HAD TO, we knew it.


Fascist views.

Life is tough. Wear a helmet.

Yeah and not every poster here looks like Mosko the pig

I guess you broke your mirror the first time you looked into it

Americans and British people have no cuisine culture.

oh cry me a river, Megan

True... Ivy Leaguers on a daily basis

you forgot “and celebrating the decapitation of babies”

There would be no Autobahn without him.

So he is doing nothing different than Ivy League students? Why would Niki withhold the stuff then? 

Nope, they aren´t. Have a nice evening bro.

Umm... sorry to break it to you bro, but i am Swiss and of Korean descent...? dont know what makes you rage so much about totally unrelated subjects now? The thing is - I asked you to come up with just ONE proof of what you are claiming here and you were not able to do that. Which is ok. So I think we better leave

So...if this is what you call “fighting me”... Well, you still got no substantial proof, only lame “from his own words” stuff. And where´s the proof that what happened to Scott was just because he was black? Bro, you have to get out of the “victim card player” category, stop whining about things that happen to

Yeah I heard that. The car just didnt like his skin color.

I dont have to prove anything dude. YOU made a claim and obviously have no proof to substantiate it. Easy as that. Go home and do your homework bro

sure, go ahead and gimme some examples then