
Oh, the “strong woman” trope again, this time used to destroy the Evil Dead franchise. Well done. Glad the actresses found time to star in the movie, besides fighting on the ukraine frontlines.

Is Clue “”woke”” now? Are weirdos calling for a Clue boycott and buring copies of the game?

I have an elderly cat.

Eat my ten year old pussy.

It’s not. I think it’s just an opportunity for us all to pat his ass and say “You’re so brave.”

From that picture, I thought he was coming out as the lovechild of Harry Potter and Tobey Maguire.

This just shows how unprofessional and childish democrat politicians have become. Politics is a serious issue, as a voter I expect the people I voted to act maturely and sane.

Kaitlyn Dever would have been a way better choice than this bland emotionless brat.


Well, it is still their country and none of your business. The majority of people there voted for that. It´s what they want and what they think. This is called Democracy. They don´t need people from other countries to interfere like they did in Africa during the COLONIZATION.  Misunderstanding on purpose what I wrote,

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more biased take on the Depp vs. Heard case. To simply gloss over Amber Heard’s admission of physically abusing Johnny Depp is absolutely preposterous. 

...proving me right. Thanks for that, Bruh :) 

bruh we ignored you the first time 😂😂😂

The elephant is standing in the room in plain sight for everyone but everyone refuses to see it

It´s their country, not yours. They can think and do what they want. Planning to COLONIZE again like in Africa back in the day?

I am going to buy the game because it looks fun. 

Yeah tell us all about when you went to Ukraine to fight against evil, brave girl.

It’s ironic cuz this chick “had an accident during a recent stream. Kinda seemed staged, tho. Just saying.

Everyone sees the elephant standing in the room. No one mentions it. What a wonderful world we live in.

There are two routes a former Disney Channel kid can take in life. There’s the Zac Efron, Zendaya, etc... just slowly expanding the different types of roles. And then there isthe “try hard”, look at me I’m not a kid anymore, types. Bella Throne is the try hardiest try hard there is.