
The only people who use woke are you morons until it became so ridiculous you had to run away from it, dumbfuck

In typical fashion, few do more to hurt well intentioned causes than it’s strongest advocates. Jezebel is a feminist blog and it is the worst thing for the feminist movement. Jezebel has been widely known for over a decade to be a trash blog. The writers are dishonest trash and they know it. It’s a website that

In typical fashion, few do more to hurt well intentioned causes than it’s strongest advocates. Jezebel is a feminist blog and it is the worst thing for the feminist movement. Jezebel has been widely known for over a decade to be a trash blog. The writers are dishonest trash and they know it. It’s a website that

It doesn't help that many black women have turned their backs on her too

“While prosecutors presented 47 items of evidence—including Lanez’ apologies to Megan and Harris—there’s no conclusive DNA on the firearm, damning footage, or stronger witness testimony. “

This wokester blog has been whining about Depp despite the actual court of law ruling on the matter. Now you morons are mad because people are passing judgments on some fat bitch. Be like Meg and suck it up

Stalker doing Stalker things. Not surprised.

Funny how people complained when the poll about Trumps twitter reactivation was up and was going into the “wrong” direction for those people, complained how it was “not representative” , “filled with bots” and “rigged”. And now this poll suddenly is valid. Yeah right, fuckers.

Good, albeit predictable, News as the trial confirmed that not JD was the abuser.

ITT: Legal Twitter experts defend an abuser because “Always believe women” overrules reality in our dystopian identity first cultural climate. 

Lock her up. 

The legacy: Two white privileged Karens are living the good life without regrets.

The “No to AI generated images” sign reminds me a lot of the “Entartete Kunst” propaganda signs back in the day in Germany.

The “No to AI generated Images” sign reminds me a lot of the “Entartete Kunst” signs in Germany back in the day... 

Y’all hate white people, don’t’cha?

Why free the lord of war who will bring misery to hundred thousands of people?

The fact that you dont know his name doesnt automatically mean that 90% are as stupid and uneducated as you. So much for self-entitlement. 

Curious about the headline. Is there a history of America letting Black women linger in foreign detention during politically volatile situations? I’m not an expert so I genuinely don’t know. Being first implies that others in similar situations have not been released. Maybe ‘only’ Black woman is the more appropriate

Griner coming home is fantastic.

Get that bag girl. This just proves once again,