
I thought he isn´t a man anymore? Thats what his recent actions and costumes say at least.

Accept reality.

Beyonce is new to cameras right?

Too late for an apology. You misgendered Sam Smith. We will remember that for the rest of your life.

Isn´t this technology just using the data of what the vast majority of people think to reflect the majority of society?

“In the Beging.. in the Bennining... in the ...”

Still doesnt match Taylor´s number of grammys and never will.


OH fuck off

Nope. They don´t.

He is not. We all know that it´s Terrence Gene Bollea.

What are you then? A fat lazy bedbound loner?

Grace Jones was sexy and not fat.

Taylor has more.

Ok, apart from that :) 


Maybe Taylor will gift her one of her dozens of Grammy records so Beyonce can be happy once in her life. She will never reach Taylors level, Taylor is way above her, in all instances. Oh wait... Beyonce still has her friends from Dubai. Money will calm her down again surely.

You hate Taylor, we know that by now. Still, she is the bigger star than your Beyonce.

Your health should be worth a few dollars more I think. But to each their own. But those people shouldnt come and complain afterwards when they are so fat they are about to explode soon just because they did not want to walk an extra mile or pay a bit more to get healthier food.

Your health should be worth a few dollars more I think. But to each their own. But those people shouldnt come and complain afterwards when they are so fat they are about to explode soon just because they did not want to walk an extra mile or pay a bit more to get healthier food.