You can´t deny science all the way down to Mexico. Fat is unhealthy. Get thin, girl.
You can´t deny science all the way down to Mexico. Fat is unhealthy. Get thin, girl.
Almost no POCs? Celebrating White privilege all the time? Nah that show was racist af. Who watched a show like that anyway? My guess: Racists.
Why not make it by yourself at home? Win-Win.
oh little Ted is back. Did Mom let you write something on her computer again?
This is bad of course. And I agree that this article is full of fake outrage problems.
The people who are honest with themselves agree with me. Thats enough for me.
1. Bake your own bread, it is cheaper than you think and it lasts far longer
You should have those. Then you are living in a bad place. Change that if you want to change yourself.
You have my sympathy.
proving my point. Lazyness is mean.
And whines a lot about it without trying to change it.
This is not true. Especially shops from immigrants offer much better and fresher ingredients for cheaper prices and it should not be asking too much to support those shops. And you can also live a life completely WITHOUT consuming bread and live healthy. Maybe you should try this.
Yeah because you have no proper arguments you resort to insults
Misunderstanding on purpose just makes you look even more stupid
Old farts.
She still took all the money
You wish you had a mother
Americans... Holland is not a country. It is a region in the Netherlands. What do you learn in school in the US? About 100 different genders? Ah I see.