The Peasants with their Pitchforks (but without any proof) are on it again
The Peasants with their Pitchforks (but without any proof) are on it again
Wow what a counter. My 4 year old kid could do that better than you idiot.
Not surprised at all. When the money is good, the USWNT are more than ready to forget their “values”. Disgusting hypocricy. Spare me your whataboutism. This is about the women.
She took the spot that was being reserved for a woman of color.
Fat beat, nice. Love it!
If at least he´d be delivering some interesting facts on the country he is in or its cuisine in particular while munching down the food like an animal and uttering “Wow” and “oooh”, it would be at least a bit appealing. But he does not.
Black cops...
It´s not because “an individual did it”. We all know why but no one is talking about the elephant in the room.
Cry me a river
No, there is no racism against white people.
haha says the girl with the brain of a 2 year old. keep it coming loser
You are insulting fat people with that.
No Problem, Pam.
Your mom is
“How to sneak in the word “MAGA” into any text, no matter if it makes sense or not.” LOL
Well, I´m not a racist who generalizes what one man does on the whole group of the same volk.
Yeah this was absolutely disgusting.
Oh Yes you are, my sweet little fascist.