
You can almost physically feel the envy in the comments here..

Silly and unnecessary cheap copy of The Dirt, just with some -not even hot- chicks added. I predict this will fail hard. VERY hard.

Hogwarts legacy is among the top 3 hyped games on steam? And I thought the Transsissies won´t buy it and this would be an MASSIVE impact on it? Hahahahahaha this is sooo funny :) Way to shut those bullies up!

Exactly. They are not capable to hold a discussion without resorting to insults when they dont have any arguments anymore and reality kicks in. Same old story every time. Radical left scum will always be radical left scum.

Oh really? You do? Wow...

It was that good. As a German, I can tell you it was. Just like my grandfather told me in his stories.

Of course. Its r.cism again. It´s getting boring. Try to think of something intelligent next time.

Can´t stop laughing!! And yet y´all smear Top Gun 2? Its THIS crap you want nominated? Wow. Speaks volumes.

And people really think she deserves an Oscar for a role she played in a kids superhero movie over Kerry Condon or Stephanie Hsu? 

Wow. Glad 99% of the posters here really do believe in “innocent until proven guilty” and don´t at all act like the spanish inquisition doing witch hunts back in the dark days. Phew! Faith in humanity restored.

AQOTWF should win all awards its nominated for. 

The short story couldve been written for a university magazine. And now a movie? Wow. We have come a long way, Hollywood.

Oh, “Former OSU wrestlers say”... finally REAL FACTS!

I wonder if the Giraffe scene is in

Thank you.

“After” a real pandemic? Is it over?

Career level up secured

The Walking Dead

So many level C celebs in one movie. Thats gonna be fun.

Whats that game in the playdate screenshot? Couldnt find it on the official site? Looks good enough (looks like a dungeon crawler like EotB or the like) to make me investigate even if the playdate does not appeal very much to me otherwise.