
“Don’t let it get ugly.” The subtext being, if it does get ugly, it’s because you let it. This is the same kind of garbage as those PSAs that put the onus on women not to get raped. It’s never about telling men not to rape, not to abuse - it’s always about telling us how not to get raped or get abused. And before

I am all for raising awareness of domestic violence, but I’m not loving that. It implies all guys get violent and it’s up to women to prevent it. And that’s only one issue. Just...it could have been done better.

Er. My eyes are dislocated from all the rolling they do at #notallniceguys, but even I’m a little crept out by this one. Is this a real organization? I can think of better ways of selling “leave at the first sign” than “be paranoid, men on your screen are waiting to attack you”. Not to mention maybe not wonderful for

This app is a good idea. But I find a .45 ACP works better, I suggest the Springfield XD 45 (It even comes in pink!).

I can see what the program was going for here, but I think they missed some marks. A) SO HETERO-NORMATIVE. I was a domestic violence hotline advocate for years, and many people experience domestic violence across a spectrum of relationships. A lot of folks don’t seek help because they don’t think the system can help

This is weird...and makes me feel...things. I feel like this is really trying to scare women into buying into this. I feel like the name is awful. I feel like a series of photos of a dude about to punch someone who is ostensibly you is whoa. I feel like totally ignoring men as victims of abuse also kind of sucks. I

“I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character than by the fact that I get off on torturing animals to death,” he said.

Even the article reports it as “have sex with.” He let her out of the box so she could “have sex with him.” You know, under threat of being shoved back into a box the size of a small coffin, at knife point. “Sex With.”

I dunno. I get high sometimes and I’m pretty sure it’s never made me a rape apologist.

Four years for rape and kidnapping.

I upgraded to a sex bassoon.

You don't have a sex horn that summons you to the bedroom? Weird.

Please tell me you’re high as fuck rn

Jesus Christ. I couldn’t get in here fast enough to make a lame “it’s my chick in a box” joke. Then I read what actually happened and now I just want to go home and never walk outside my front door again

4 years was totally an appropriate sentence for kidnapping + rape. Absolutely appropriate. Surely any rapist & kidnapper will be magically rehabilitated after such a brief sentence, and it’s a complete reassurance that he will never go do it again after you let him out. No community could possibly be in danger from a

There are a couple missing words in the 2nd sentence. I think it should be “registered sex offender Horn” or something, not “sex Horn” as it reads now.

Well this woman is obviously unhinged and is getting off on violence, which is ridiculous. Any point she may have is lost due to her radical/xenophobic viewpoint.

Because some people are deeply lacking in self-awareness.

Anecdotally speaking, hell yeah! And, it looks like, statistically speaking too. I looked it up and a bunch of sites had different statistics, but I’m linking this one because it had a chart. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Isr… Jews have been more likely than the general population to vote for

I’m Jewish too and there are absolutely Jews (and Christians) who will call people anti-Semites for saying anything even slightly critical about Israel. I also like to think the Pamela Gellers of the world don’t speak for the majority of us, but they are loud as fuck.