Well done on knowing your audience!
Well done on knowing your audience!
Anyone who quotes from Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus is an idiot.
I appreciate you love your friends (or at least respect your friend’s guests) and I love the intention behind this post, but the jewellery here is remarkably unexceptional. I have better statement necklaces (costume, I’m not bragging about some incredible expensive bling) that I wear to walk my dog. I would love to…
...I got the reference.
If that’s the method you need to employ the changes that your job needs to make, then that’s how you do it. Sometimes being brutally honest is the most efficient route.
Im not trying to be an asshole about this. I have never worked with France/X country, so I don’t consider myself qualified to make mass generalizations. If you feel qualified and have the credentials, that’s you. But there will always sone kind of backlash for the statements like that. Perhaps there are in fact issues…
I looked into it after I replied and apparently they’re in the process of developing new energy-saving bulbs that don’t use mercury. They were supposed to come on the market by 2013, but I don’t know if they are yet because we’ve been switching over all our lamps to LED bulbs and don’t buy energy-saving bulbs anymore.…
Oh good, means I’m cleared to say “she’s probably on someone’s watch list”.
George HW Bush caught a lot of shit for doing that even though he’d made it clear that the goal of Desert Storm was to liberate Kuwait, not overthrow Saddam. It seems clear that he was right.
Would never work in the US. Not when several levels of government dictate that throwing out day-old food is not only not waste, but a necessary public health measure.
Build a time machine so we can go back and not invade Iraq in 2003.
Yup. It’s like driving an electric car when your electricity comes from coal burning plants. Also, note that this is based on people who run the water as they wash. The actual Old-Timey way to is to fill a sink or dish pan, which can still use less water than an energy efficient dishwasher, and not require any…
This is awful. There’s no excuse for this, and the people who did it are cruel.
It’s an intersectional issue, isn’t it? It’s not just about race, it’s about race, class, and first or second hand experience of racism and classism. Wealth is a really potent form of privilege that makes it easy to maintain psychological distance.
Okay well I’m bisexual so I am quite aware of when I’m in the mood to date a lady and when I am not. So thanks, but it’s probably all moot now as I’ve been married for 10 years now.
Also (and I couldn’t decide if this was totally off topic or not, so sorry if it is) women will show up for male-centric movies more readily than men will show up for female-centric movies. If you’re a woman watching a movie with a female protagonist, congratulations...you’re watching a romantic comedy! If you want to…
The billions of dollars probably make a difference too. She hasn’t been a regular person with regular problems for a long time.
I love everything about this.