
 Exactly this.   If you really want to make the roads safer,  use the tech to monitor the driver and keep them alert, not to encourage them to wander further away from thinking about driving..

To answer your question, it’s Musk.

Because when cruise control breaks or stops working, I glide. When ABS breaks, I skid and die, like I did for the last 80 years when I do “oh shit!” braking instead of saving myself.

This is my biggest issue with it. Sure it’s ugly and tasteless, but if a blue book says it’s actually worth the asking, it’s value is still in free fall. I’d consider almost anything, but ugly, tasteless, not practical and declining in value by more than 10k/year?

Like so many things it always falls to us second owners. Time for me to go show how it’s done. Toyota Sienna, Superleggera.  

I agree,  my only counterargument, is I could see a case for using the technology that is currently focused on dangerous semi autonomous systems to feed more information to the driver that she/he could use..  maybe prompt them to use it?  Sounds annoying, but the tech Caddy has could be used to make manual driving

When I'm in a car I care about that's exactly what I do, park on the high ground if there is any..

So, for people who actually return the car, how do you get them to nest in the cart corral if they have auto braking..?

So true, I struggle to remember to keep a quarter in my van for the one store near me that does this..

So that's where Aldi's got the idea from..

Exactly this, any low mileage old car, unless you have records to show changes, basically needs all the rubber/plastic wear parts replaced based on probable age.. especially since the person that only averaged a few hundred miles per year likely never drove it as hard as I will in the first 6 weeks..

I can't agree enough with this take.  David deserves massive cred for getting it there and a less terrifying ride home..

Which is one more reason why I’d rather have this over the new one, safety be darned.  

And of the tens of thousands of people who buy a full size pickup each year,  how many our out there competing with you?  For every pickup at those auctions I bet you see ten per day that have done less truck work than my Sienna..  let alone the T&C we had a few years back..

A plug in electric kei van with auxiliary solar charging makes sense in some places..

“unless the car was beat on pretty well."  Bingo.  The clutch,  the interior,  the front end issues, this RS4 has clearly been beaten on quite a bit.   I'm sure good examples are going for 20k, this isn't a good example..

When I look at that skateboard my first thought is an awesome electric rat rod from 20 years in the future..  take the board add a seat, steering wheel, a few pedals and..?  Probably that's it..

This is why I'd never have a hybrid from that gen Sonata.  The regular one looked and drove well, though "inoffensive" is probably the most accurate description for it..

I’d actually say Honda had a practical reason to skirt the rear wheel (drag), but decided to just do enough to get up to Prius levels on the hybrid because they were afraid of it looking weird to folks (ie gen one Insight). The Citroen is bold for practical reasons and the Insight slightly cowardly, but still for pract

370z will become a classic in another 10-20 years when nearly all new cars are soul crushing boxes that you have to be alert in but that fights against you anytime you try to actually control it..