I think this is where I’d be here. With a Chevy, I know what I’m getting myself into, with a Tesla it seems like a bit of a crap shoot.
I think this is where I’d be here. With a Chevy, I know what I’m getting myself into, with a Tesla it seems like a bit of a crap shoot.
This would be a big boon in the out years to keep classic cars on the road when governments are trying to achieve net zero emissions..
Those percentages make sense to me. If I could, I'd go to the EU right now. If I lived there, I'd not be visiting the US right now..
Welcome to the dark side. :-)
And US DoE (and likely others) are working on ways to repurpose old EV batteries. The most interesting idea I've seen was to use them to give some resiliency to the power grid. Combined with distributed solar or others you could keep the juice on in parts of the grid that are temporarily disconnected from a major…
The problem with the conventional wisdom is there are just too many people in too many situations who rent cars for mundane situations where hooning it isn’t worth either getting charged for the damage or getting fired from their day job for causing a claim while on the clock.
15 years ago, I bought a 6 month old Taurus with less than 15k miles on it that had been in a rental fleet. I had basically 100k miles/6+ years of trouble free driving I expected from it. All of the problems I had were related to Ford design and not how it was treated.. (example, I had to replace the HVAC blower…
Exactly this, it looks like a fun little car for daily driving.
I think the e-tron isn't selling because it looks like it'll eat your dog when you're not looking. The only people who want that are those folks who go put teeth on the grill of their Chrysler 300s..
This is true, but a 15k four passenger EV is what is really needed to gain fairly rapid mass adoption, the model T of electric vehicles.
Exactly what I was thinking. Around here something like this is 6500 with no tailgate (let alone a broken handle) and the lower half rusted to the point that it matches the top color..
Can't say my answer is as large as some of y'all, but for me it was a humble 24' box truck from Penske or Uhaul or the like. The fun part was my younger brother was in my (then) relatively new Taurus setting picks for the truck when I needed to change lanes in traffic..
That's point of this article, you don't need all that stuff and it can actually detract from the experience and close off camping locations where being inconspicuous is necessary..
Thats what I recall from much reading up on other homemade ev conversions..
Preach brother. I’ve been ranting about this for some time now. Minivans are cheaper to buy, cheaper to run and more practical.
I think a year (or two) of public service would go a long way to helping sort out more than a few of our current ills..
Why do I want that car, more than an ordinary VW?
Apparently you do if you live in Philly.
As someone who once found a nail twice in 3 weeks driving to work, I have to disagree. (You’ve not lived until you’ve gotten the doughnut off the underside of a Sienna by the side of the highway). Point being, I made it to work those days, something that wouldn’t have happened without a spare. If they’ll fit in the…