
 You're spot on, I got a phone autocorrect fail there and parting does make just as much sense..

This is exactly right (and why I don't own an old Jag, in spite of being quite fond of them).  

 It's a big part of why this perfect for David.  Part this on 10 acres with high hedges around the border and he has a place to sleep and plenty of space for parts and the junkyard er collection..

I’ve never been to picky about the food side, though for me the must have is either cheap coffee (with cream & sugar) or Mt Dew/Diet Mt Dew (drowsiness is the enemy).

Why was my first thought on reading this "Lada Niva"?  I think the Bronco is a solid (and more sensible in NA) recommendation.

 Exactly.   If modern SUVs were more like this I might not find them annoying..

I wouldn't be surprised if they went with fair use on the lyric given the quantity of the song used and the fact that it was just the lyric..

 Yeah, but if they'd put a Dodge face on it, they'd of upset far fewer truck nuts..

 I'm neutral in the truck wars, read the title, saw the pic and immediately saw it and chuckled.  Would I have noticed it in the store?  I don't know.   Do you think they did this in an attempt to appeal to both camps?  

 That's the territory ceded to Canada in his plea agreement.  It's that important..  ;-)

So, Tesla's now have a built in asshole mode?  

For me this is just one more reason not to live there.. I have a hard time imagining living downtown in a place like Indianapolis, Cleveland or Columbus, the biggest difference in NYC is it goes on for miles, there are even more people and a much higher percentage of them are angry.

 I'll be honest,  I did give it an NP even though I personally would give it a hard pass.  The 6 speed is a very desirable thing and if you went to the trouble to not bang on it, it could appreciate up from 14 in the out years.  My problem with it is if I were to get a vette, I'd want one I could beat on because it

This was a very unhealthy article for me to read, especially as I've quietly pined for a Dodge Omni.  It'd be a foolish and wasteful purchase,  but would be deeply satisfying to my inner 16 year old who hasn't seen many of my decisions go his way in some time..

It should have been so much more than it was..

Bob and Thirdmort are right,  bring on some green and orange.  

I think this was likely a simple design choice that could have had to do with brand recognition or pedestrian/livestock safety as well. As for the radiator position, I think one thing worth mentioning is that cars from the early 20th century, especially from before 1920 were the modern equivalent of a cross between a

That looks like a DoD truck that’s had a delivery van box slapped on the back and retired/repurposed to the postal service..

When I read this I kept thinking of: "I'm a clot and I ruined my car."  

I kind of figured this was why the Versa was so high on the list..