One of the saddest parts is the Equinox at least looks vaguely like it evolved from the '90s Blazers.. something as cool as the older ones you mentioned was way more than we could have hoped for..
One of the saddest parts is the Equinox at least looks vaguely like it evolved from the '90s Blazers.. something as cool as the older ones you mentioned was way more than we could have hoped for..
It wasn't just Ford Europe. At different points over the last 20 years I had a 1993 and 2003 Taurus in my life and both had what I would term "stupid electrical issues"..
This is kind of where I am too. Do a little extra checking to confirm it isn't a flood car and otherwise go for it.
You do have to give it to them. I'd have probably just chucked them into the ocean..
The problem here is with cars and bikes there are rules and norms and those who don’t follow them tend to get significant fines. Here the scooter companies have basically said “there are no rules so we can do whatever we want!!” If they don’t want to get F’ed with, they should have taken an extra 5 minutes to figure…
Having recently bought a place with the real thing I think I'd prefer the stickers. Real stone is always frigid to the touch, it's a precious snowflake when it comes time for cleaners and has to be resealed constantly..
Having recently bought a place with the real thing I think I'd prefer the stickers. Real stone is always frigid to…
I'd be surprised if we get there in time for my old age 20-40 years from now. I feel like the people who are predicting full level 5 autonomy are the same sort who predicting the coming of 30 hour work weeks back in the '60s.. full autonomy will come at the same time as the flying cars..
To be honest, I’m right there with you. I’ve wanted to get a Honda Beat for a couple of years now and when you put in targa vs convertible, the Fiat wins out.. (even if it will be less reliable and just as hard to source parts for..)
I salute you. I’m not in the market for a Mustang, but if I were to go there on a new one, that sounds about like how I’d do it. Get the comfort, get the gizmos, get the 6 speed. I don’t need huge tires, and while I do like the idea of a big V8, I’ve mostly had 4s and 6s since my teen years and I expect I just…
So many people would pass this up because it'll be too expensive and have one too many rows of seats..
The truth of your statement is a sad indictment of the current state of our world..
It’d be either a really determined or high as a kite thief that’d try to steal that jeep. On the bright side for David, either way it’s unlikely they’d get the thing out of visual range before it was missed..
I'll be honest, if I'd had to bet on it, I'd have said it wouldn't of made it past Indiana. Stay safe, and hopefully the weather will be warmer, or at least dryer the rest of the way.
Well, now I know what to buy in 2044 if I'm not yet into depends and dribble cups..
An awkward breakup call just doesn't feel right.. for my glovebox with a broken latch. :-)
So you’re saying it’s basically an unnecessarily large competitor for a 747 or an A380?
Safe travels Mr. Tracy. I'm glad you're keeping the speed down (even 40 sounds fast from what I've seen of the pics)
I think exactly this. With the strong resale value, even slightly under book is probably too close to new, especially since many many people would much rather buy from a dealership than private seller or from John Doe’s used car lot..
Yeah, I’ve had Tauruses in the past and I agree they really are all day comfortable.. my point is that even compromised vehicles like my minivan or something tiny and built to a price is far more comfortable than flying..