@kurgan5: I believe that True Blood and Girl Interrupted have proven, time and again, that that hottest girls (and guys) are absolutely bat crap crazy.
@kurgan5: I believe that True Blood and Girl Interrupted have proven, time and again, that that hottest girls (and guys) are absolutely bat crap crazy.
@GGear0323: Ronnie is my hero. Even if I'm mixed, 28 and with a part time job. How I look up to that kid.
You white, then you Ben Affleck.
I *hated* Neverwhere. Loved the book.
@ManchuCandidate: When I got off work a couple weeks ago, I found MY dad watching Mad Max with MY 2 year old son. Yeah, so I watched Die Hard when it came out. So I shouldn't really be surprised. Still kinda pissed though.
@AngryLagomorph: I live about an hour away from a town with a large Amish population. I remember reading that while they are very deeply religious, the Amish view quoting scripture as a display of pride. I suppose that if one lives life reflecting on God, words become unnecessary.
It looks like someone shot an arrow threw Alice in # 4
Animals are not the equals of humans, but still deserve to be treated with respect. People who torture and kill them are regarded as sick. I think (hope) that, when it does become possible, it would be a similar reaction to find a person who mistreats AI.
But guys, that NuRing thing was hilarious!!
@taosaur: I just ate McDonalds! I referring more to Famine ala Good Omens.
Great, now we just need food that doesn't provide nutrition and books that don't enlighten or educate
But does it fly?
*sniff* It's not going to be as good as the book.
I think a spin off featuring Claire would be fantastic. Definitely finish the Alice character on a high note, have her develop a cure or something, and spend the rest of the movie with Claire trying to distribute it.
Not enough zombies in this one. Also, did anyone else get a Boondock Saints vibe in one of the last scenes between the Redfield siblings? I couldn't tell if it was an actual homage or just how the characters are since I've never played any of the games.
@sarathelaundress: I watched MIB and MIB 2 when I was in labor and didn't make the connection until just now :)
Hi, my name is Terri, and I like cheesy tv shows.
@zombiezeus: Rule #31 - Check the backseat.
@Laserlips: twincest is best. I'm sorry, the devil made me say that.
four ears and it still doesn't listen.