@Mark 2000: Because it was a further invasion by Franklin. Just like Sam had that strange dream about Bill earlier this season, it's not really about attraction. I found that it was more about how he had even found a way to intrude into her dreams.
@Mark 2000: Because it was a further invasion by Franklin. Just like Sam had that strange dream about Bill earlier this season, it's not really about attraction. I found that it was more about how he had even found a way to intrude into her dreams.
@mkirkland: I feel that I have to preface this by pointing out I am a minority. My friends, coworkers, classmates are all a different ethnicity from myself. And yes, I do experience racism from the most unlikely sources. However, I've found that rarely, if ever, does it spring from hatred. I truly believe that the…
@GirlLibrarian: I don't understand why people were confused by it, either. I enjoyed the article featuring the costumer designer, but the spoiler about the 2 sets of children playing his kids wasn't a spoiler to anyone to actually watched the credits. Or the fact that they kept saying, you enter a dream half way…
@van_line: Actually, I just finished my business class last semester, and McFarlane was featured in a chapter of my textbook. I believe he was singled out for his understanding of financing.
You know what smells really wrong? Baby crap.
@mythsnstuff: Oh happy day. I get to re-read a fun book and then find the sequel!!!!
Agreed. I read it over and over. And I didn't think the ending was that sad. Just left me wanting a sequel.
Don't front. You all get the same guilty pleasure I do from Rambo, Rocky, and Demolition Man.
@SenorHumper: I thought that them feeding her flowers was an insult to her. They know humans eat. They're just rubbing her face in the fact that she has no control.
@MsFeasance: Word.
@MrGOH: Admittedly, she was a prude before Bill. And I haven't read the books, but doesn't she end up with a whole menagerie of supernatural characters?
If Tara doesn't want Franklin, I'll take him. Seriously, a straight vampire who isn't hopelessly boring or in love with a slutty blonde? Who can text really fast and loves to gamble? And juuuuust crazy enough to get Tara to panic? Perfection.
@LauraAnnT: I doubt anyone will be able to top the sheer ferocity of......Rodney Dangerfield
@Edix: but that's hilarious!
@kwtw: I keep meaning to see it, and it falls out of my brain every time I go to the video store.
@my2doctors: I don't think it's mentioned in the Bible, and may be part of Hebrew mythology. God made Adam first, then I believe from his shoulder, created Lilith. She refused to serve "beneath" him, and was removed from Eden. Adam became lonely, and God created Eve from his rib (so that they would be equal). Lilith…
@01SNKOWNR: My bad. i get what you're saying now. Next they'll be saying that Jesus was black..........what?
@01SNKOWNR: I think you missed the part about Lillith. Eve was Cain's mother.
Fresh Prince aside, has Will Smith ever played a villain...ever?
@looocas: Nerds are a passionate people