I l love the back and forth with Harley & Batman bc they have so much in common. I think he saw a lot in her relationship that he was experiencing with Catwoman.
I l love the back and forth with Harley & Batman bc they have so much in common. I think he saw a lot in her relationship that he was experiencing with Catwoman.
She’s legit one of the best parts of “Last Man on Earth”. It’s super timely right now. But her is character is smart, aware, open minded. And she represents a totally underrepresented group on TV (not going to say more cause I think everyone should see it) I saw her recently in a zoom thing and it's not at all what I…
I think (hope) that it won't be in making these 4 better, but introducing the idea that humans aren't totally irredeemable to the bad place. They convinced Glen, and I think Bad Janet that we can become better.
And she knits. I think of any celebrity knitter, I’d rather ask her what the difference is between SSK & YO
I’m a 2.5 gallon donor. My iron can get low and I’ve been deferred because of it. So what I do is make my appointments while at the center and about a week beforehand I take iron supplements & load up on spinach and beans. It may not be applicable to your situation, but just throwing it out there
People like you seem to think you deserve whatever the fuck you want. Headdresses are part of indigenous culture. Native Americans are sovereign nations, and as such, braindead, racist, and entitled bitches don't have the right to wear them. Would you wear a Purple Heart for shits & giggles? How about a yellow star…
Duh. It's only legitimate violence if the women are NOT undocumented immigrants, Native Americans, or members of the LGBT community.
It's not based on the Hans Christian Anderson story, but I loved She Creature http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0274659/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
District 11 was agriculture.
Did you read the books? Did you not get that whole scene during Rue's death?
Is it just me, or does the last one look like something Ethan Allen would sell for $2,599 (shipping not included)
Probably not. But wouldn't it be great if it did?
What about Dune? Excepting for Melange, I'm going to guess that it's mostly how humanity could turn out on a long enough time line. Bene Gesserit have the ability to manipulate people using the Voice, can control their bodies down to a microscopic level, can access memories from their mothers' sides. The Guild…
Why is it so dusty in here?!
I'm kind of freaked out by your immune system.
I never understood why people didn't like her. So yeah, Transformers was awful. There was a lot about it that was, and she wasn't responsible for all of it. But holy crap, Jennifer's Body was one of the best movies I saw that year.
Let's make that happen.
But it's not her heritage...