Terence and Phillip McKenna

Me too. (minus the may). I like Better Call Saul WAAY more than I liked Breaking Bad.

As much as I love Star Trek, I think that Worf would have been a worthy inclusion to this list.

Maybe it's just because I was in a good mood, but when I was watching this episode, it was so funny I laughed out loud at a lot of it, which is rare for me. Reading the review did also, because the jokes in this episode were that good.

"He's a super villain from a timeline we (like Barry) aren't going to experience."
With this show, you never know. He could be back, as well as versions of him from different timelines, even though he was deleted from that specific future timeline.

Clap, clap!! Don't let Tink die!!!

Whenever I see old videos, or read articles about him, I am always touched, and I want to be a better person. He remains an inspiration, and probably one of the few examples of, "the real deal".

Wu Tang Forever is the exception that proves the rule.

Re: Preacher. Keep in mind that this was WAAAAY before Dan Brown, and the only place you would have heard about that stuff was if you had maybe read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

Y the Last Man was a book that read a lot differently month-to-month than it does in the trades. I always tell readers to imagine waiting a month (or more) between chapters.
But yeah, the final issue was a let down, personally. Some people say that it moved them to tears, but not me…
Overall, great book, though.

Yeah I lived in Japan from October 2014 to February 2015. Yokai Watch is HUGE there. All the kids love it, and there are promotions everywhere. I even heard some disc jockeys on a local radio station talking about it one afternoon.

Great story! Where was that at— Liberty Hall? Was it maybe ʻ95?

And hindsight being 20/20, I wish I would have actually watched them and tried to enjoy the show. Instead I basically pouted and cried like a child, lol.

I went to see The Wu Tang Clan open for Rage Against the Machine in Kansas City. This must have been 1997. ODB was still alive, and this would have been their heyday. I later learned that the show right before this concert, (probably St. Louis), was the first in the tour that Wu Tang was a no-show, before later

Nice. I thought I was the only one who remembered that show, lol!


So you're speaking to us…

My first was Man or Astroman?.
Was lucky to see them 3 times, 4 if I count the appearance at Love Garden Records in the afternoon, before the evening concert. Ah, the 90s!

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Yeah, before when I read the comments on these reviews, everybody was all, "Jesse L. Martin"… and I was like, yeah, he's good, but…