Terence and Phillip McKenna

Alex seems pretty uncomfortable at the 7:20 minute mark here:

Yeah, people are making fun of it without even watching it. The evidence presented is absolutely convincing to me personally.

I don't know, this video seems pretty legit. Make fun all you want but, truth is stranger than fiction.

Yeah, reading this last night I thought, "wow, I'm gonna have to read this a few more times to really get it."

Iʻm not saying the article isnʻt whatever it is…but…
"using his purple belt karate skills" —-what a f-ing joke!!!! lol…

I agree—I too have considered RDJ the Mozart of electronic music, since about 1995 when I first was introduced to his music.

Come on you cunts, letʻs have some Aphex acid!!!

Don't you mean,
Wait, that the FRAK?!

Nice discussion. I see your point about it being tedious after a few listens; but this isn't a record I play all the time, although I probably did when it first came out. For me, it's more a record that I revisit now and then.

If you were to run for office in Colorado, I would vote for you! (and I don't vote.)

Fuck Wil Wheaton. He is a douchebag. If I saw him walking down the street, I would slap him.

His Star Trek, will go on forever…

I have a slightly different perspective.
I think Drukqs IS great, even better than SAW 85-92. After listening to it just a few days ago, I think it ages better than SAW 85-92. On disc 1, the impressionist prepared piano songs alternating with the electronic tracks is brilliant.

Yeah, I am so looking forward to the new album!

I LOVED the new Sin City. Sadly, me and my roommate were the only 2 people in the theater for the Saturday night 3-D show!!!

I am in the minority. I think the movie kicks ass. (and I am pretty discerning as a movie-goer. I'm not easily pleased.)

For what it is, Sin City is a great, fun movie. I'm gonna go see it again as soon as I get a chance. 3-D made it like stepping into a comic book.

DUDE, this movie is AWESOME!!! I saw it in 3-D theater was almost empty on a Saturday night, but the movie was great. I'm gonna go see it again as soon as I get a chance.

I really get what you are saying. I havenʻt read enough Eisner (anything besides New York-the Big City (?) and Contract With God) to have an opinion, but my gut tells me that you are absolutely correct.

Yeah, I only saw The Spirit once, in the theater. I really like it at the time. I thought that everybody was wrong, and for what it was—it was good…