Terence and Phillip McKenna

Me? I didn't edit any comments in this thread.
Never voted for Trump. (if you mean somebody else & not me, than no harm, no fowl. lots of heated comments here…)

Thank you.

Thanks for a genuine response. I will think about what you said before responding…

I AM NOT DEFENDING RACISTS OR NAZIS. I am saying that destroying property is not the way to go. Michelle Obama said, when Pres. Obama was in office, "when they go low, we go high."

Even if that includes the destruction of property?
(genuinely asking. Not being facetious.)

This website has become an echochamber of hate, as of late. It's really (or was) one of my favorite entertainment sites, but it seems like it's time for me to go.

That is not destruction of public & private property. The two are not the same…

I hope you can find peace.

I'm reading Ralph Waldo Emerson these days. But… I just can't get behind this sort of action…

Thanks anxie.
I appreciate the joke!!! <3

takes one to know one, my friend.


Wow! OK, thanks, Brotha! Peace!

But I guess that makes me a Nazi, racist, sexist (to some folks). Am I right???

I'm a Buddhist. I just don't believe in hateful, violent, or destructive words & actions. I don't think vandalism is helpful to a peace movement. We cannot create peace without if there is a war raging within our own hearts.

…So you think something is bad, and you vandalize it…

I was at a huge Star Trek convention for the 35th anniversary, the weekend before Tuesday of 9/11. We (me and my brother Phillip) were in a long autograph line. I started to make conversation with the girl in line in front of me. Asked her where she was from, and she said Austria. Without missing a beat I said,

Thanks, Shoeboxhero, I really appreciate that. But I take full responsibility. I came in guns blazing and being provocative.

Please read all my other comments on this page.
I'm trying to sincerely apologize for being a jerk online.

Well, I was molested as a child.
So when I see people in power abusing children, I sometimes loose my cool.