Terence and Phillip McKenna

Please, let's not call each other names. This does not bring about a peaceful discussion. I did not vote for Trump.
Peace to you.

Greetings Monkey_pants.
I am going to answer this with peace and equanimity.

It did. But, I didn't walk you through my thought process. That was my own mistake.
I'm a historian, and a logician. I stand by my thoughts, but I realize that this was not an appropriate forum to share, and I did not share in the best way possible.

Blessings to you SisterMaryFrancis.

Thanks for your comments.

"It makes you look like a fucking nutcase in a tinfoil hat."

I want to apologize to everyone here in the comment section.

Very briefly, more thoughts later…

Let me do some homework for you:
Watch a couple of those videos, and tell me that you would let somebody touch your own children in such a manner.
Is this appropriate behavior for an adult???

You're full of it, my friend. Peace and blessings to you.

The video don't lie, honey…

Maybe actually look it up for yourself instead of insulting me…

Better a "blatant racist, misogynistic idiot" then an admitted murderer. Clinton: "We came, we saw, he died." A leader who topples sovereign rulers of foreign nations, plunging those countries into years of chaos and thousands of deaths, with impunity, and then giggles, cackles, and brags about murdering somebody

Does he talk about his pedo tendencies in the book?
Dude is a pedo, for real. Just go to youtube and search "Joe Biden gropes children" or something similar. There are many, many videos of him groping children on the floor of congress as he swears in one of their parents.

For me, the show not doing John Wayne is another of many cases of missing the mark. John Wayne was one of the central motifs in the comic. It's one of the best bits of the book because Jesse gets [comic spoilers follow] actual advice from mythological John Wayne whenever he needs it. It's brilliant. Another unused

I agree that they are all really great actors. And that Jesse is a dick.

I think the music que also was giving a hint that Cassidy was being Jesse's friend, but he was also being a right bastard. (kind of dark, ominous sound, underlying him saying in essence, "go ahead and kill him.")

And they really don't work very well, compared to actual rolling papers.
The screen-used prop, especially so. That's not the kind of bible with really thin, transparent paper. Those were thick sheets!

See, I took it as, Jesse's a bastard, & Cassidy is a bastard. What does Cassidy want? Tulip. So he told Jesse to do it. Jesse does it, Tulip leaves him (at least, she told Cassidy that she would) & Cassidy wins.

What a twist!
—M. Night Ackbar