
I suppose since I haven't calculated Cars 3 yet I'll allow it, but I think there is a difference between swapping two films that had not yet been released (as SG did even though it was inside the deadline) and dropping a film that already has been released.

I found an $80 Lego Batman Movie set (The Scuttler, which features the four leads of the movie and its most iconic vehicle) on clearance for $30 at Wal-mart. I always thought those kinds of deals only happened to other people.

I have had it. I have been making these calls all day and this is the most unpleasant call all day. Putin was a pleasant call. This is ridiculous.

My job is not very demanding so far other than having to wake up at 7 am (even though I specifically applied for it because of the nighttime hours, those don't start until the school year begins in two weeks). Even once there are students in the library, I doubt I'll have enough work to fill 8 hours a day. In the near

9 hours is too long to work, someone please inform the department of labor.

Lucasfilm figuratively punches Colin Trevorrow in the penis, brings on new writer to fix up Episode 9.

I've relaxed it on account of it's not like people are beating down my door to do trades so why should I turn away draft activity.

Sure thing, I'll do it when I get home from work.

We should be hearing about the Boneitis diagnosis any day now.

Farewell Mooch, we hardly knew ye.

Nothing's cheaper than an elevator set!

Yeah that's a good point. R&M is very fast and very confident with its visual storytelling to the extent that if you zone out for 30 seconds you can miss the entire setup of an episode. It's paced like an 11-minute cartoon even though it has 22 minutes, in order to explore these incredibly convoluted premises in its

What a cast! Including Greendale Alum Luis Guzman!

"Self Control" is bonkers good. It's AoS at its most propulsive, explosively closing out one arc while setting up the next with no time to rest.

Very Nolan-y. Across Thursday and Friday I watched Batman (1989), Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight while building the Lego '66 Batcave (which is great. The Joker figure even has Cesar Romero's mustache printed on!). On Saturday, I went to Disney Springs and saw Dunkirk in 70mm which made me wish I had more

To verify your last sentence you just have to look at the always-rapturous reception for Bojack Horseman, which is probably the closest thing going to R&M in terms of tone. Vox and AVC and I assume other sites I don't read talked up the underwater episode like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was


Morty and Armathy had a great dynamic.

Hooray, Dunkirk soundly beat The Emoji Movie!