
Shit I need to make my last comment on the AV Club. What could possibly sum up my years spent here? Um…

I think you're seriously underestimating how much Kinja actively pushes people away from commenting. These people ain't coming back. I'm not.

Based on the looks of Kinja commenting it was developed by a monkey at the cost of several dozen bananas and is maintained by having Ernie flip everyone off every so often.

I dig the color-coding in The Defenders but the transitions between storylines remind me too much of an SNL title sequence.

The point of making a movie about him is to make him interesting so he can finally live up to 37 years' worth of hype!


The Prince's Virgin's Virgin - three intriguing characters right off the bat!
The Juggers - Donald Trump's favorite magazine
Seeping Baby Man - Donald Trump
Undercover Movercum - this fall on TLC

My, Hot Doctor is a pretty great title tbh. It's got layers.

This presupposes that the set of competent conservative political operatives and the set of people who will willingly step into the flaming, reputation-destroying snake pit that is the WH has some overlap. I'm not sure it does.

Fingers crossed he scuttles back to Bertburp and immediately starts slagging Trump.

No that's Communists.

Yup, also the new comments we make won't appear on the Kinja'd version of the review so we'll truly be shouting into the void.

Rifftrax Live: The Five Doctors was really fun. There's something about the rhythms of feature-length TV episodes that makes them super riffable no matter the source - that's why so many good-to-great MST3K episodes were TV movies. And macabre safety videos never get old. I won't be able to go to Rifftrax Live any

Sucks for you our bumfuck rural theaters are cheaper than the rates you city slickers cough up even without matinee specials.

I saw an ad for it during American Ninja Warrior which I thought was an interesting and canny choice (this is a show that filmed two episodes inside the Daytona speedway). The non-city-centric marketing strategy might pay off.

Plus it seems like they only got serious about it again to "me too" The Orville which, uh, that's probably gonna salt the Earth guys.

Lol I love how much they were hyping that we'd be "pleasantly surprised" at their solution to the 'separate verticals' issue which turned out to be… TAGS! How innovative! I bet it took Ernie a lot of long nights to come up with that one.

I'm not even gonna bother with IF. I assume The Defenders will provide any needed context from it.