
Apparently the replacement ("Coke Zero Sugar" which is the dumbest product name ever devised by a human) has already been rolled out in Europe. Are you still overseas? You might be able to find some and see how it stacks up.

Coke Zero sales were up 3.5% last year! While Diet Coke fell 1.9%! The proper balance was finally coming to the diet soda sector and now they have to go and ruin it!

Coke is offing Coke Zero because nothing good can be allowed to exist in this fallen world.

Two months shy of a hundred and worked right up into the last decade. What a career.

Where it bothered me most in Interstellar was at the end, when TARS and Coop just kept on explaining the end of the movie to each other inside the tesseract. He should have had more confidence in the audience's ability to follow along with visual clues rather than everything having to be spelled out with dialogue.

Nolan needs to write "It just needs less expository dialogue" on a post-it on his bathroom mirror. That was my only problem with Interstellar and to an extent Inception too.

"Bubble are you okay?"
"I must have… gotten injured, during the battle"
"What, and you're just realizing it now?"
"Yes, it's strange."
"Isn't there some way we can save you?"
"Get Besson five million more euros to animate me for more scenes."

No matter how many times they said it I didn't buy Valerian and Laureline as a couple until like the very end, so all the talk of the 'playlist' (as no one has ever called it) and such just thudded for me. Thinking back I did very much enjoy the three platypus guys though, and of course the dulcet tones of John

1. Too many
2. Jack Black
4. Orca

I wish you luck, at my 12-plex it was already sharing one 3D screen with another movie.

That whole little detour was great, and its inclusion basically codifies the film's ethos - don't worry about the plot, it's all about jamming as many fun ideas in as possible. I was pretty sad that they had to kill her because she was too expensive to animate in any more scenes (I'm assuming).

I suppose technically she could be? As little as we learn about Valerian's backstory (dead mom, agent for 9 years and is good at it) we learn even less about hers. She's basically a cipher.

The part where he explains his own history to his partner who presumably knows everything about him and has for years is such fantastically bad exposition that it almost loops around to being transcendent in its shamelessness.

The trailers were mostly boring but I did get to see the A Wrinkle In Time trailer in 3D which was super cool. It's one of those trailers that looks fine in 2D but then when you see it in 3D you realize that it was cut for that format all along. It popped!

It's a shame that Valerian is going to slink out of theaters so quickly, because the only way to see it is on the big screen. It's a spectacle of the highest quality. There are several sequences which each on their own are worth the price of admission - the opening montage, the chase through the city, and my favorite

y tho

They could at least include a certain SHIELD Agent, MIT administrator, and low-level Queens criminal in a scene together in Infinity War.

I know this is a joke about Malcolm in the Middle but it's also true if you replace "Malcolm" with "Chris Kattan".

As a nerd who has no life and is home on Friday nights, it works for me!

Yeah it takes over the timeslot after Inhumans ends.