
The bad guy did name-check the Lantern Corps though, so they're laying the groundwork.

My only objection to the Apes series is that the first one should've been called Dawn and the second one Rise.

As I recall the book ends with some sort of moral about how it's all well and good to love pop culture stuff from the past but you can't let it take over your life and eventually you have to live in the present. Which rings pretty hollow coming from the guy who writes 80s nostalgia pap for a living but might be more

I wonder if WB is gonna do a monster mash of all their old properties and licenses every spring now. First Lego Batman, now this.

It's going to be a shambolic mess stitched together from the vision of a disengaged Zack Snyder and the desperate pickup attempts of a harried Joss Whedon, that has to devote at least some of its running time to the pro forma resurrection of Superman while also introducing three new characters including Flash wearing

I completely missed out on any and all Ducktales nostalgia but the reboot has a pretty stellar voice cast.

Barren Million

My local CW affiliate runs a secondary OTA movie channel (18.2) called "This", which is appropriate, because they're super good at choosing movies that make you go "what the hell is this?"

I mean what they should really do, and would if they were smart, is cut the exact same deal Sony did with Spider-man. But they won't because they're dumb.

What a weird angle to go with. At least Boyega gets to use his real accent.

I'll be interested to know what you think of it. I really liked it and I think it ends the trilogy well.

"Doctor Doom? The metal face guy who makes people's brains explode, a character I am familiar with through three reviled films and perhaps a passing glance at the newspaper Spider-Man comic strip? I'll take a dozen tickets!" - zero members of the moviegoing public

Whoa I didn't know that you hadn't seen it. Why'd you skip it when it came out?

I thought everyone knew that! He also recurs in TDKR.

Sunny Baudelaire
Mr. Patterson from SNL
Baby Herman

Did I ever post about reading Underground Airlines? Because I did. It was ok.

Should I feel bad about all those "President Comey" jokes now?

It's the library at my University which is open until 2 am during the school year

I just did my interview for the Night Library job. Wish me luck.

That joke was slanderous to the perfectly cromulent The Lone Ranger.