
This feels like one of those projects that will linger in development hell forever. 'member when Jonah Nolan was gonna adapt Foundation for HBO?

Someone pointed out when it was first released that the Thor poster looks like a Color By The Foot roll-up and now I can't unsee it.

It's being shown in 70mm in Disney Springs. I don't know if I'll be able to convince anyone else to trek down there though, which is a problem since I still can't drive alone.

lol y tho they don't have any money.

Having failed to secure the motion to proceed on BCRA (side note: does anyone else always read 'BCRA' as a chicken noise?), McConnell now says that they will hold a vote on a repeal-without-replace bill. Always the good-news-bad-news with these fuckers.

This is the man who quoted the Pokemon theme song on the campaign trail, after all. His trolling has always been ahead of its time.

Community on Jeopardy! alert!

I'm finally catching up to Blank Check's current run on account of I haven't seen most of the other movies they covered (for example, while I have seen all but two of James Cameron's films, I have seen 0 of Cameron Crowe's), so now I get to listen along with the Nolan series. I watched Following on Netflix before the

I think that's a function of where you're looking because even /r/gallifrey was full of 'waaaahh Ghostbusters tho' bullshit.

I can't believe that [actor from Attack the Block] is taking a role in [decades-old sci-fi franchise] which previously did not have that actor's [race/gender (choose one)]!

I last updated everything two weeks ago so not much has changed for most movies. What do you want to do?

They can't get rid of The Land! It grows all the food for the rotating restaurant! (I love The Land too, it's basically a ritual for us to go on it every time we visit EPCOT).

But then how will you know that everyone else has a bigger e-peen than you because they snidely dismiss popular films?

Ehhhhh EPCOT was always a bastardized version of Walt's original batshit vision anyway. I can't get too worked up over the dilution of the pseudo-educational brand. Especially since Universe of Energy was so outdated in its science that they had to have Bill Nye say "actually the oil in your car probably isn't

Yeah it looks to be a pretty polarizing movie. Jupiter and John Carter were too, just with a much large negative pole. (I'm in the positive pole for all of em).

No it will be this year's space movie that flops hard but a few weirdos on the internet defend, a la Jupiter Ascending and John Carter.

I think the loophole here is that the Guardians team as it exists today was not a thing in the comics at the time that deal was signed, so they get to use them.

Wow they're announcing a lot of stuff about the parks too. Ratatouille ride in France, Guardians of the Galaxy ride (!) replacing Universe of Energy, Tomorrowland getting a Tron ride imported from Shanghai (Tron 3 when?)

And much like Westworld, it will cost $40,000 a night.

Will Smith is apparently the Genie in the live-action Aladdin, continuing his years-long streak of roles that, when announced, make you stop and go "what the fuck?"